New York's Jojo

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Speedwagon dropped off my family in New York and we're at the hotel waiting for someone I'm 71 years old but you can't tell because of my Hamon I still look like I'm 20. Erina and I sit at the hotels cafe and we order some tea.
"How are you feeling Erina?"
"Fine Johanna just tired."
"Probably jet lag."
"Where's Giorno?"
"In his room he'll be down shortly."
I hug my son Giorno and he sits down as the tea arrives.
"Ah yes sweet apple blend. Great choice Mother." Giorno is about 53 years old but he looks about 15 or 16 because of Hamon also.
"Where's Jojo?"
"He went out Mother."
"For what?"
"He said he wanted to see the city."
"Hopefully he gets back for our dinner together." Joseph comes running into the hotel with another friend. Erina gives them both a yell then we continue back to our tea.
"Giorno dear have you been practicing your Hamon skills?"
"Yes Mother look."
He lifts the teacup, turns the cup around and uses Hamon to keep it in the cup.
"Excellent work."
I remember when I first found out that him and Joseph were able to use Hamon.
They were on a trip with Speedwagon someone pointed a gun at Giorno and Joseph. They were reading the comics that Speedwagon gave them. Giorno pointed at the man.
"You're after my father not me."
"Yes now we want to read our stories. Do your business and leave us be."
The man hit Joseph and Giorno and pushed them to Speedwagon. Blood running from their noses they get mad because Joseph's suit was a gift from Erina and Giorno was a gift from me.
"Jojo! Gio!" Joseph hits a pilot's head with Hamon and Giorno breaks the plane's controls with a overdrive punch.
"Jojo grab a chair Father grab the pilot because we're gonna jump!"

After that day I've been teaching Giorno and Joseph on Hamon control. Gio as amazing but so much.
"Mother when is father coming back?"
"Soon darling."
Erina and I went out shopping with Joseph Giorno and Joseph's friend Smokey. Joseph managed to get us a taxi as the ride to the hotel started Joseph's nonsense came along with it.
"Don't say that about my father Jojo!"
"You rouge, you!"
Erina and Giorno started hitting Joseph with all their might.
"Ow I'm sorry ow please forgive me ow! I know Speedwagon was loyalty to your mother Gio!"
"Sorry doesn't cut it Jojo!"
Those words took me back to when Jonathan and I would fight like that. Smokey and I started laughing as we witnessed what was happened. As we arrived Erina hurried us up because of our dinner reservations and as we sat down and ordered someone started talking shit about Smokey.
"I've had enough of your shit!"
I take out my sword and slam it in the mans table.

"Ma'am your gonna have to pay for the table!" "I will just let me deal with this bastard

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"Ma'am your gonna have to pay for the table!"
"I will just let me deal with this bastard."
Joseph and Giorno join me and we beat the crap out of the man. After we finish people clap as we calm ourselves down and a man stands up.
"Please forgive the behavior of my underling Madam. You're Erina and Johanna Joestar aren't you? I've worked with Speedwagon on a few deals." "You know Father?"
"Of course but I'm afraid that your Father has been murdered."
Giorno's eyes water up as he covers his mouth.
"Are you sure?"
"You lie! Speedwagon is not dead!"
"Rumor has it that it was a Tibetan monk."
Strazio? No it couldn't be he taught me how to control Hamon Berserk. The man continues to explain the information.
"Actually I think I might know."
Her voice sounds sad like she's about to cry. "Perhaps it involved what Speedwagon said about Dio and the horrible stone mask that changed him." My stomach dropped as I fell into my chair.
"Mother are you alright? Who's Dio?"
I looked in his eyes with fear in mine. "He's.....he's....."
"No one Giorno."
"Auntie Erina?"
I start crying as the memories flood back it Dio and Jonathan's death.
Joseph hits the man in the stomach.
"Don't waltz over here and blurt out awful news to us. Look at what you've done to Granny Erina and my Auntie Johanna!"
Joseph throws the man to the broken table. Erina holds my hand as I continue to cry.
"It was 50 years ago and that event still haunts our family. Even you Johanna and it's about time you told Giorno the truth."
"The truth? Auntie Erina what do you mean? What is she talking about mother?"
Joesph comforts Erina as Giorno holds my hand. We went to the hotel and I explained to Giorno that Dio was his father. Giorno was silent the whole time. "Gio?"
"....You lied to me..."
"Gio I-"
He ran to his room with tears running in his eyes. Erina put her hand in my shoulder and comforted me.
"He'll forgive your just give him time to cool off dear sister."
"I know Erina thank you for everything."
"Anything for my family."
The following day Giorno stopped talking to me and spent the day with Joseph and Smokey and Erina and I were together the day, hours later Giorno Joseph and Smokey come back out of breath.
"What happened?!?"
Giorno ignores me and goes to his room.
"I'll talk to him Johanna." Erina and Smokey follow him and I clean Joseph's wounds.
"I know where Speedwagon is Auntie. Come with me to get him."
"Of course Jojo."
~days or next day I forgot~
Joseph drives a motorcycle to Mexico City to find Speedwagon but we had to fight someone annoying. We find the facility and hide near it.
"How are gonna get inside Jojo?"
"Hmmm let's see."
He takes out binoculars and spies on the soldiers guarding the gate. We start walking then we see soldiers check other people inappropriately.
"Auntie I have an idea!"
"No! I'm not going to don't that to myself Jojo!"
~moments later~
"All we've got is more tequila under our skirts big boy. Is it alright to bring that through too?"

 Is it alright to bring that through too?"

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The soldiers aren't buying it I can tell.
"Hand up in the air!"
"What? Put your guns down. We haven't done anything."
I hit them with my hammer and they get knocked out.
"Where do you pull these weapons from?!?"
We put on their clothing and we sneak inside. We find Speedwagon and we rush to his side and we start speaking in a German accent.
"Let's go old mad! We better get you to safety!"
"Just leave me! The last thing I need right now is help from a German flunky!"
"What a pain Jojo."
We stand in front of him into our stances and I pull out my hammer and Joseph grabs a hand full of a German soldiers hair. "That hammer! That demeanor! It can't be!"
I start spinning my hammer with Hamon and Joseph makes a wall with the hair.
"That means you're Joseph and Johanna Joestar!!!"
The bullets hit my spinning hammer as Joseph makes a Hamon wall behind me.
"Nice Auntie!"
I take off the heavy coat after the bullets stopped firing.

 "Nice Auntie!" I take off the heavy coat after the bullets stopped firing

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"Just in time Jojo!"

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now