A Race Toward The Brink

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As we head our way to Switzerland I can't help but worry about Joseph and Caesar. Are they ready for this? I look at the family photo of Jonathan Erina me and Giorno before Jonathan's death.
"I wonder if I could've saved you too brother."
"Huh? What's wrong Auntie?"
"Nothing Jojo."
We're stopped by soldiers and next to us is the train. They look through it to find the stone, arrest us and take us to a nearby cabin.
"It's so cold in here!"
"You say its cool say I'm hungry Auntie!"
"You wanna fight Jojo?!?"
"Stop it both of you!"
Caesar gives me his coat and calms Joseph down.
"I'll go find some food."
I sit on a nearby bed and wrap myself in the blanket.
"Can you share that Johanna?"
"Sure Caesar."
We wrap ourselves in the blanket trying to stay warm.
"Jojo sure has a small temper huh?"
"You haven't seen the worst."
We laugh as we shiver under the covers.
"You are an interesting woman."
"And you are an interesting boy yourself."
I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I haven't felt this way in 50 years. The room starts to shake and we get off the bed and race to where the noise was.
"What happened here?!? Is that-JOJO?!?"
He starts running towards the cliff with the pillar man Kars following behind him.
I start running towards him as fast as I could.
"Johanna stop!" Caesar's voice follows behind me as I run faster. I see Joseph fall down the cliff with Kars and the stone.
I start grabbing icicles and glue them together with Hamon.
"Help Caesar!"
He starts doing the same thing until Joseph grabs on to both icicle rope.
"Niceu Niceu Very Niceu Auntie and Caesar!"
After hours of preparation and pulling Joseph up from the cliff we make our way to the town we're the address is. We stay in the hotel overnight but I couldn't sleep so I got dressed and walked around the town.
"I can hear you."
Caesar comes from the shadows next to me.
"Sorry I was worried about you so I followed you to make sure you were safe."
"It's fine."
I extend my hand to him.
"Care to walk with me Caesar?"
He grabs my hand and kisses it.
"Of course."
We hold hands as we walk around the town a lot of the stores we're open late at night.
"Some many people are up this late huh?"
"Yes and look a music box store."
I drag Caesar to the store as I see old music boxes.
"You like music boxes?"
"Yes I love them! My brother would get one for me every birthday!"
Caesar enters the store and I see him winding and listening to them and he comes out with one.
"Here I think you'll like this one. Listen to it when we get back to the hotel."
As he starts walking I stop him.
"What's wrong?"
He sees my blushing face as I pull myself closer to him.
He lifts my head and kisses me.
We walk back to the hotel and into his room.
"Why are we here?"
He lights a candle and put our stuff down.
"Caesar I-"
He starts to kiss me with passion.
"Just this one night let me love you."
He lays me on the bed and love in his eyes.
"Of course."
~the morning~
I slowly wake up Caesar's arms.
I kiss his forehead and rub my hand on his cheek.
"Time to wake up."
He slowly wakes up and smiles.
"Morning my love."
He kisses me and gets up from bed to change then we hear knocking on the door.
"Caesar it's Joseph can I come in?"
"No I'm kinda busy!"
"Come on open the door!"
"I'll see you guys later!"
"Fine but don't be late!"
I start to change as well and I make my make to the rooftop before Caesar.
"There's the building on the address."
"We should go in now because it's daylight. They wouldn't have the advantage if we lure them out."
"I disagree. It's suicidal!"
"Jojo you coward!"
"Coward?!? Me?!? Why do you tell me what you were doing with my Auntie last night?!?"
They start fight and Lisa and I had to break up the fight and Caesar leaves out of rage.
Lisa stops me from following him.
"Let him cool off."
I start swinging my hammer at Joseph.
"You Bastard!"
I drop my hammer I weakly punch Joseph.
He hugs me as I fall to the ground weak.
"I'm sorry Auntie. Let's go get him."
We run to the building and the doors burst open with air.
"Something's wrong! Caesar!"
A bright light shows through the building as we get closer.
"I know what he's doing! CAESAR!"
I start to run into the building and Joseph stops me.
Joseph realizes what's happening and lets go.
The light vanishes and a loud thud and a gush of air leaves the building. We run in and the place is full of rubble and destruction.
"Caesar where are you?!?"
From the corner of my eye I see a red bubble with Caesar's bandanna and a ring.
"Jojo look!"
We both grab it and a humongous amount of Hamon comes out and into Joseph and I. The bubble breaks and the bandanna and ring fall into Joseph's hands.
I fall to the ground with tears falling down my eyes.
"No...no please...."
"Stop we need to focus Jojo and Johanna right now it's three against two!"
Blood appears under the rock that looks like a cross.
Joseph and Lisa see the blood under the rock and realize what happened to Caesar.
I fall on the rock crying and hitting it.
Joseph and Lisa cry with me as we were too late to save Caesar.
After that Joseph helped up and I walked with him to the room with Kars and Wamuu.
"I'm so sorry Auntie...this is all my fault..."
"No it's not....*sniff* I'm sorry also..."
"Wipe your tears away....here take this..."
He gives me Caesar's bandanna.
"You need it more than I do."
I wrap it around my forehead and continue to walk we make our way to the room where Kars and Wamuu are.
"Lord Kars this isn't fair because three to one. She shouldn't fight."
Lisa makes a wager with Kars that Joseph fights Wamuu and she fights Kars but she stays there just in case. After that Joseph go to the hotel and I got to Caesar's room with my stuff.
"I called Speedwagon he should be picking you up in the morning."
I grab Caesar's spare jacket and I put it on.
"Explain this."
He shows me a photo of Strazio Speedwagon Me and Erina and Giorno.
"I found this in Lisa Lisa's suitcase."
"It's best you talk to her not me."
"Because you may not like what you hear Jojo."
"Get some rest Auntie."
"Of course Jojo."
He leaves the room and I find the music box that Caesar bought me.
"What does it play?"
I wind it up and tears fall down my eyes as I hear the song.
"Claire De Lune"

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now