Youth With Dio

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~that night~
I wake up to an empty bed and my door opening. Someone covers my mouth and whispers
"Shhh Johanna!"
"Shhhhh! Whisper!"
"What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be back till next week."
"Get changed and meet me downstairs."
He leaves and a get changed. I walk downstairs to see Jonathan and a man with blond hair.
"Johanna this is Speedwagon."
"Hello Miss. Joestar."
"Hello Mr.Speedwagon."
"Sit over there in the shadows. Don't ask why." Speedwagon takes me to the chair and hides in the shadows. The door opens and Dio walks in.
"I see you've made it out of Ogre Street Jojo."
"I'm here to uncover the lies you've told Johanna and Father!"
Dio gets on his knees and starts crying.
"Forgive me Jojo! I came here to make amends! I've been poisoning the man who raised me and I've been manipulating my wife!"
I see Dio reach for something in his pocket.
"We got married yesterday!Forgive me Jojo!" Speedwagon lights a match to show himself.
"He lies don't believe his words."
Speedwagon pulls a man from the curtains.
"This man confessed that he sold you the poison you used on Father. You don't feel bad about poisoning Father. How do you think Johanna would feel about this?!?"
"She won't know and I plan on keeping it that way!"
I walk out of the shadows and Jonathan points at me.
"Turn around Dio."
Dio slowly turns around to see me with tears running down my cheeks.
"Dio how could you?!?"
He runs to me and kneels down and pulls on my skirt "Johanna! I didn't mean any of that! Please believe me!" He recks of booze! I slap him and I take off my ring.
"I don't believe you anymore! I don't love you anymore! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!"
I throw the ring on the floor and I step on it to break it. Dio picks up the broken ring.
"Please forgive me! I love you! I love you more than anything in the world!"
Jonathan pulls him away from me.
"Enough of your lies!"
Dio pulls a knife out and nearly stabs Jonathan but he misses.
I try to run to Jonathan but Speedwagon runs to me and holds me.
"Miss. Joestar!"
"Let me go!"
"I've heard enough!"
Father comes from the curtains with the police.
"This breaks my heart. I took you in as a son. Let you marry my daughter because you loved her so. Why Dio?" "Father you're to weak to be down here."
"You're right I'll return to my chambers."
Jojo helps Father stand.
"I don't want to see him in chains. Do what you must Jojo."
"I will Father."
I walk to Jojo and I hug father and him. It's finally over. My nightmare is finally over.
"Is this how it all ends?"
The strange man starts whispering.
"He won't see the inside of a cell this night I read his face and the trio of moles on his ear. The devil smiles on him and grants him luck."
Dio walks to Jojo and raises his arms.
"Jojo I want you to be the one to put the cuffs on me. Please brother. Don't let Johanna see me like this."
"All right."
Jonathan grabs the cuffs. Speedwagon stays close to Jonathan.
"Be careful he's a crafty one."
"Jojo it's was a hubris that led me to this ignominious end. This fall form grace as taught me well. However one may scheme and dissemble, my downfall this night is part of the human condition. A condition I now foresake." Hearing those words cause me to shake in fear. Father holds my hand.
"Johanna are you alright?"
"Wait? Foresake? What do you mean?"
"You see I'm about to become so much more!"
Dio holds up the stone mask and pulls out a knife.
"Help me shed this mortal skin!"
"Mother's mask?!? But how?!?" Watch out!"
"Fire at will men!"
"Jojo your blood is the key!"
Father runs and takes the stab. Jonathan and I couldn't believe what happened. I run to father and Jojo. "FATHER!"
Dio laughs as he puts the blood on the mask and puts it on. The mask stabs Dio's head and glows.
"Shoot that maniac!"
The police start shooting at Dio! The bullets send him flying out the window. His lifeless body lays on the ground. Father places his hands on our cheeks.
Jonathan and I start crying.
"This is all my fault. I should've blocked his knife. The mask when I saw it a froze up and you paid the price."
I lay my hand on father's chest where his heart slowly beats."
Father lifts his hand.
"Take this ring. It was your mother's."
Jonathan grabs his hand.
"Damn it Ain't a doctor in the world who could fix that."
I lay my head on fathers chest. Jonathan pats my back as both of us shed our tears.
"How'd that devil get the drop on us?"
"Father hang on the doctors on his way."
"Jojo. Johanna. Don't hate Dio for what he's done I am to blame for this. I was hard on both of you because you're Joestars. I went too easy on Dio and he might I've felt that I didn't care. Perhaps he did this for want of a father's love. Please see that he's buried next to Dario."
We nod our heads.
"Don't look sad my stars. Where better to die than in the arms of my children?"
Father hands drop from our faces. *gasps* I cover my mouth to not scream.
"Sir Joestar!"
"We've lost much this night."
"No you're wrong! All that was good in that man he passed it on to his children! Every bit of it! You can be sure. Jojo and Johanna are gonna live upright lives using what their father gave them! Rich people walk around like their special I want to throw all of them into the Thames! But not the Joestars. They're heroic and merciful and just. The whole damn lot are giants among men. *gasps* What the hell?!? The body has vanished! Get away from the windows!"
Dio kills a man and walks towards Jonathan. Jonathan holds me in his arm while he points a gun at Dio.
"Stay back not another step!"
A gun goes but it was Speedwagon that shot Dio in the head. Dio still walks but he's walking towards me licking the blood from his head.
"Johanna my dear come to daddy~"
"Get away!"
I grab a nearby spear and I point it at him. "Leave her alone!"
Jonathan grabs one also.
"On three Johanna!"
I tighten my grip on the spear.
I stab the spear and on a piece of metal to make it a hammer.
We both charge and we hit him. Jojo stabs his hand and I hit his head.
"A blow to the head and stabbed at the hand and he didn't even flinch!"
"You're both weak!"
Dio bends Jonathan's spear and stabs his shoulder.
I drag him behind the curtain with Speedwagon.
"Johanna it might be hot but bear with it."
He sets the curtains on fire.
"Johanna stop hiding from daddy! I see Jojo's blood!"
I see the curtain pull and it covers Dio burning him. Jojo throws Speedwagon and me away from him.
"Get to safety! The house is on fire this has an advantage to help me defeat Dio."
"Jojo! No!"
Speedwagon carries me out of the house.
As the house burns down Speedwagon holds me down. "Let me go! I need to help him! I must help my brother!" "No! We can't risk another Joestar being killed!"
We see Jonathan and Dio.
Dio hits Jojo and the roof breaks beneath their feet! "Nooooo! Jojo!"
The house explodes and Jojo flies out a window and takes a hit to the head hitting the ground.
I run to him and I hug him.
"He's unconscious!"
Speedwagon wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"You guys have lost a lot. Your Father. Your house. And for lost a husband. Let's take him to a hospital."

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now