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~hours later~
I wake up to Enyaba and Johan poking me awake.
"Come My Lady. Your husband awaits."
As we walk all of Dio's servants bow as I walk by them.
"Why are they bowing?"
Johan's soft voice echos through the halls.
"You're the Wife of Dio. They respect you as much as they respect him."
2 young men stop Enyaba and Johan.
"I'll take her from here. You both rest."
"Thank you D'Arby and Vanilla Ice."
Enyaba and Johana join the line of followers and we walk to a dark room.
"Dio will be here shortly. I left your dress on the bed please change before he gets here. Vanilla Ice will keep watch of the door."
They close the door and I look to the bed to see a blue dress.
"No holding back. You can save him."
I put on the dress and look at a mirror.
"Looks nice."
Enyaba and another girl walk in.
"You look marvelous Mrs. Brando! Right Mariah?"
Enyaba walks me outside to a night sky. The moon looks so bright and the starts are extra shiny tonight. Enyaba takes me to a candle lit table with my favorite sweets and tea.
"Dio will be here in a little bit."
I look continue to look at the stars with Mercyful Fate.
"What do you think Merci?"
She points to the moon.
"That's the moon not a star."
I start to laugh then I feel hands on my shoulders.
"And the moon reflects the sun Johanna."
I turn to see Dio.

"I turn to see Dio

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That smile. That damned smile.
I hug him and we spin around until we share a 100 year wait kiss.
"I missed you."
He runs his fingers through my hair.
"I missed you too Johanna."
I cry in his arms as he hugs me. He starts to wipe the tears from my face. He holds my cheeks in his hands as I hold his cheeks in my hands.
"You shine brighter than those starts in the night sky. As I said my vows 100 years ago I'll still mean them till."
He pulls out the ring I broke 100 years ago.
"Death do us part."
"You still have the ring?"
"It's what's kept me going."
I look at the scar on his neck.
"Are you sure it was the ring or Jonathan's body?"
"They told you? I knew Enyaba and Johan should've killed those bastards!"
"I figured it out myself and Erina told me what you did."
He remains speechless.
"Dio your lies haven't stopped."
"I'm sorry."
I hug Dio and he brushes my hair again.
"It's ok.....im just disappointed...."
Mercyful Fate tries to get our attention.
"What's wrong Merci?"
"She wants to see your stand."
"Really? Why?"
"No idea but she wants to know."
Another stand shows up and twirls Merci. Dio smiles and starts talking to Merci.
"Mercyful Fate meet The World."
Dio takes me to the table as they play around.
"Sweet Apple Blend for you and."
He shows me a place of strawberry macaroons.
"Strawberry Macaroons."
"How did you know these were my favorites?"
"I may or may not have spies keeping eyes on you."
"Speaking of Spies who's that young man Uhh Johan?"
"Oh him? He's our son."
"You adopted him?"
I start to sip my tea.
"Well he's your DNA combined with mine."
I spit out my tea and cough.
"Don't worry about it."
"Worry?!? I already have Giorno and Aurora!"
"Calm down! Look he knows about you and he cares for you like a mother."
Johan walks to the rooftop with more tea.
"Hello guys."
"Johan come here."
I turn him around and I see the Joestar birthmark on his shoulder.
"You told her Dad?!?"
"Well this is awkward. Uhh hi Mom."
I giggled at his embarrassed face.
"Hello sweetheart."
Johan leaves to tend to his duties.
"Since we can't have a legitimate child because of well....Jonathan's body....Enyaba found a way to have kids by Stands and DNA stuff."
"Oh ok. And hopefully we find you another body."
"Because I haven't done anything in 50 years~"
I wink as his face turns red.
"Well um I guess you need to rest right?"
"Yes I am tired...I'll go to a spare room"
"Wait you can stay in mine."
"Yes and I'll provide a nightgown for you."
We walk to his room. It's very dark but I understand why.
He hands me a nightgown and turns around. As I change I see him do the occasional peek. After I finish I touch his shoulder to turn around.
"Imma go to bed now."
"Shall I join you?"
"If you want."
I lay on the bed. It's so soft like a fluffy cloud and the blanket is so warm! The room was cold so it helped. He lays next me and holds me in his arms.
He looks at my left metal arm.
"What happened?"
I tell him all about the journey with Joseph. I called it Battle Tendency. He looked so calm and he listened to every word. As I drifted to sleep Dio brushed my hair with his hands.
"Goodnight Johanna."
"Goodnight Dio."

I wake up to the voice of Dio and Enyaba arguing.
"Lord Dio! You wanted to kill those Joestars! Why do you want the stand users to withdraw?!?"
"That woman in my room is the woman I love!"
I slowly walk to the door to hear more.
"If I'm going to remarry her then I need to get along with them!"
"Listen to yourself My Lord! She has changed you! I must get rid of her!"
I hear footsteps then they stop.
"Don't you dare touch her!"
"It's for the best My Lord!"
I run back to the bed as the door opens.
"Wake up!"
I'm lifted from the bed and thrown across the room.
"You bitch!"
I charge at her only to be hit again.
D'arby and Vanilla Ice hold Enyaba down. Dio runs to me and holds me in his arms. I slowly close my eyes as I hear Dio and Mercyful Fate's voices.

I wake up and look around. I'm covered in bandages and my head hurts. Dio runs into the room with Johan.
"Are you ok?!?"
"Yes I'm fine my head just hurts."
Johan places an ice pack on my head.
"Thank god."
"Where's Enyaba?"
"Don't worry we won't see her again."
Dio carries me to the dining room and he sits me down as Johan serves me some soup. Johan gives me a glass of water. He looks at Dio with a smile and leaves the room.
As I drink the water something metal hits my tooth.
I pull it out and it's the ring I turn to see Dio on Friday me knee.
He holds my hand and holds up the ring.
"Johanna Joestar....I've been a jerk from the first day we met and I fell in love with you during our childhood. I ruined a perfect marriage when I killed you father and Jonathan.....I've regretted it.....but I'm hoping to make amends with You. Giorno. And the rest of the Joestars but first....I ask for your hand."
I start to tear up as I nod my head for yes and he slides the ring on my finger. I hug him and kiss him.
"I've waited 100 years for you to say that."
"I know. But it was worth the wait right?"

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now