Dark Blue Moon

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(Don't play the song just yet)
We relax on the ship Jose and I play checkers and I drink my sweet tea as Mercyful Fate plays with Rush. We hear someone yelling at the crew and we go to investigate what's happening.
"We found a stowaway!"
"A stowaway?"
I walk near the fighting child.
"I want to see my dad in Singapore! I'll do anything!"
The man throws the child overboard and laughs.
He starts to swim and all of a sudden sharks show up. Jose and Joseph try to get a life boat to get her.
"Hang on!"
I take off my cape and run on the water.
Mercyful Fate hits the shark with Hamon as I hold into the little boy.
Mercyful Fates continues to hit the shark as I run back to the ship.
"Give her a rope."
I throw the whip sword and I use Hamon to run up the ships wall and jump in the deck.
"Are you alright?!? You're not hurt are you-"
I place my hand in the kids chest.
"I knew it."
I take the hat off the kid and long hair shows.
"You're a girl."
The whole deck gasps as she yells at me for touching her.
"Yare Yare Daze."
Jose looks at the sea worried.
"You know how I said there shouldn't be stands for the water? Yea forget that! Look!"
"I see nothing."
"It was just there! You gotta believe me!"
"I'm sorry son but we didn't see it."
"Fuck you guys! I know I saw it! It was following Auntie!"
"You know Joseph. I did see something and that's why I ran. Could she be the Stand User?"
She pulls out a knife and threatens me.
"Come on!"
I take out my hammer and sword.
"Which one do you want little one?"
She drops the knife scared. I giggle as I put my stuff way.
"It's not her."
"So this is our stowaway?"
The captain stands behind her and holds her shoulders so she wouldn't run.
"I don't take kindly to stowaways."
"Let her go."
I hold her in my arms as he stares at me with Death in his eyes. She hugs me as I walk next to Joseph and whisper.
"It's him."
I hand her to Jose and he dries her as I hold my sword behind my back.
"Captain let me ask you something. You checked everyone correct?"
"Of course. Not sure what has you worried."
He takes away Jotaro's cigarette from his mouth.
"No smoking on this boat."
He puts out the cigarette on Jotaro's hat. I made that custom hat for him for his birthday before he went into high school. Jotaro doesn't like it when people take it or ruin it.
"Jotaro don-"
"Hold it."
Oh nonononono Jotaro stop!
"If you're gonna put it out don't do it and the hat my Auntie made for me and don't be an asshole while doing it. You can ruin my jacket but not my hat you bitch."
"Hey Jotaro don't be mean to the Captain."
"He isn't the Captain. I fingered it out. Every Auntie figures it out before me."
"But that's wrong he's a captain verified by the Speedwagon Foundation."
"You're right Avdol but when we verify people I'm the one who interviews them but..."
"Auntie never interviewed him. Plus when a stand user inhales a little bit of cigarette smoke a vein shows on their nose."
They all check their noses and so did the Captain.
"Now as you can tell Jotaro just lied. But we found the bastard."
I pull out my hammer and full it with Hamon.
"Hamon Star Force Overdrive!" 
I hit the Captain's head and he falls it the ground.
"Hamon to the head will make you dead."
Jotaro throws him overboard as I clean my hammer of the blood. I place my hands on the floor and I feel rumbling.
"Get a life boat! The ships gonna-"
The boat starts to explode as I grab the little girl and head to the boats with the guys.
We wait in the boats and I hand the girl some water.
"Here little one. You need energy."
"Who are you?"
"Someone with a cursed bloodline."
"I'm Anne and you?"
"Johanna Joestar."
We look in the distance and I wake up Jose.
"Jose! Jose! Jose!"
"A-A boat?!?"
As we board I feel like someone is talking about me but none of the guys are talking. They're helping other people.
"Come little one."
She jumps into my arms and I hold her in my arms as we get on the boat. We look around and it's completely empty. I feel Anne hiding behind my cape.
"Johanna look."
She points at a orangutan.
"Oh look an Orangutan. Someone's here if it's still alive."
The monkey pulls out an apple and shows us.
"It was just cut."
The monkey pulls it back and lights a cigarette.
"What the fuck?"
Then it pulls out a playboy magazine and cover Anne's eye.
"That's bloody disgusting!"
We find people in the radio room trying to get contact.
"Hey Johanna I need to take a shower."
"Oh alright. I kinda need one to and I can wash my clothing."
We head to the showers and I turn on both showers with hot water. I cover my eyes to not see Anne and head to my shower as the hot water hits my skin I feel relaxed.
I hear the door open, I turn it off and I grab a towel.
I hear Anna yell and I toss her a towel and I jump over the shower wall to see the Orangutan looking at us. It points at me and gets closer.
"Stay back!"
Don't make me do this...
I charges at me and I charge my Hamon.
She shows wand starts hitting the Orangutan.
"Anne run and get the guys!"
She changes and runs away.
The monkey tries to run with my clothing.
"Come back here!"
As he swings his leg Mercyful Fate hits his leg and I ceiling fan stay stuck in my metal arm.
"A Stand User. Where's the stand?"
The fan bends and hits me across the room. The towel falls off and all I can do is cover myself with my hands.
"You bitch! The Boat is the Stand!"
All of a sudden pipes hold down me and Mercyful Fate.
"What the?!?"
It starts to tighten.
I pull a finger from my metal hand and fling it at him.
"As you can tell that's not from your stand. That's my finger. What you mad bro?"
I runs to me and the last thing I hear is Star Platinum's Ora.
(Start the song)
"Never underestimate me."
I change into my clothing and crack my knuckles.
"Ready Jotaro."
The sounds of Ora's and Muda's where in the hallway After we defeat the monkey the ship starts to disappear.
"Get Anne and prepare to fly!"
"What do you mean by that?!?"
We run to the guys and I wrap them in my sword whip.
I toss them into the air with the crew and I land on the water. I grab the life boats that we had and I kick them into the air under them. They start to fall and Mercyful Fate holds the boats and tossed them into the sea.
They see me walking on water and I bow when they clap.
"You're welcome. Like I said never underestimate me."

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now