The Final Ripple

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After we dropped off Poco we stayed outside listening to the conversation he had with his father his sister went out to look for him.
"Jojo we have to go now!"
We took Poco and raced to the broken down castle. We see a zombie holding a girl to his face. I swing my hammer at it a mighty blow to the head as it comes back to me like a boomerang.
"Who it me?!?"
"We don't need to introduce ourselves because you're simply a zombie!"
Jonathan jumps towards the zombie and I follow after him. The zombie's snakes bite Jonathan in the face causing him to miss. I fill my hammer with Hamon and hit it in the head I yell as I put more Hamon into its head and Jonathan grabs the snakes pulls them and fills them with Hamon causing it to melt. Poco runs to his sister hugging her with all his might. Jonathan extends his arms and signals for a hug.
"Your turn Johanna."
"We don't have time to play games Jojo."
"What ever happened to your smile?"
"I've witnessed too many deaths....I'm scarred Jojo...."
He hugs me and kisses my forehead.
"It's alright Johanna...we'll get through can see your son when this is over...just hold on a little longer." We race to the very top and Jonathan hits a door open. Dio is facing away for the door but I could hear his gasp of fear.
"Guess who survived their time in hell Dio."
"You are alive Jojo. Interesting."
I hid behind Jonathan heavily breathing.
"I suppose that would mean you've killed both of my knights."
"I had help."
I stand beside Jonathan.
"Ho ho I see that you survived as well my beloved wife." I grip my hammer in anger. His long speech about how he should've done this and that and how it would be awful to see Jojo and I as undead things would be a horrible experience for him.
"Cut the bullshit Dio!"
Before Jonathan and I could let out our years anger Dire stops us. Dire does his split attack on Dio.
"Dire stop!"
I run to help him but Jonathan stops me.
"Jojo let go!"
Dio freezes Dire's body and send his head flying and lands on the bed of roses. Jonathan covers my mouth to cover my yelling.
"Now Jojo your death will be next then I shall take my wonderful bride for all eternity!"
All of a sudden a rose with Hamon hits Dio's eye. Jonathan uncovers my mouth in shock.
We run to the roses and see Dire's smiling face.
"Those Hamon roses do sting a bit."
His head and the roses freeze and his head shatters. Jonathan grabs his sword and I stand next to him with the my Hamon filled hammer.
"Dio you will die by our hands!"
Dio sends a waves of zombies at us.
"Stand back Jojo!"
I stand in front of them.
"What are you doing Johanna?!?"
I spin the hammer above my head.
The zombies surround me I can hear Jonathan yelling at me.
I hit the hammer on the ground causing a chain reaction to all of the zombies turning them into ashes. Dio looks at me with fear in his eyes.
"For Jojo for my beloved son Giorno and for my family I will kill you!"
"Wait I have a son?!?"
Before I could answer Jonathan swings his sword at Dio cutting his arm off and running his sword through Dio's head splitting it in half. Dio froze the sword and stabbed his fingers into Jonathan's neck pulling out his carotid. I'm so tired and I fall to the ground blacking out as I hear people yelling my name and Speedwagon holding me in his arms.
I wake up at home standing in front off a window looking at a boy with blonde hair playing with another boy. "Giorno?"
The blonde boy and the other boy waves at me.
"Hi mama!"
"Hi Auntie Johanna!"
I cover my mouth and hold back my tears. I turn around to see what happened when I blacked out.
"They will die if you do nothing Johanna."
A man appears out of nowhere and shows his face. "Baron Zeppeli!"
"My spirt lives on in you and Jojo but it won't last if you both die."
He holds out his hand with light coming from it.
"Take my hand and use Hamon Berserk."
I look and Jonathan and back at the Baron.
"For my family."
I take his hand and light shows up around us. I feel an unlimited amount of Hamon coursing through me.
"Go save them Johanna."
I wake up push Speedwagon away and I can see everyone looking at me with horror in their faces.
"She's using Hamon Berserk?!?"
I run to Dio hitting him with all my might. Dio lets go of Jonathan and looks at me with fear in his eyes again. "Sister is that you?!?"
I keep fighting Dio and Jonathan recovers and every punch every kick had too much Hamon causing his skin to melt. Jonathan joins in and we send Dio into the air we jumps and hit him with all the Hamon we had sending him to the ground falling into ashes. Dio is gone we can finally rest easily now. I fall to the ground and I close my eyes to rest. After Jonathan and I recover he got married to Erina years later Speedwagon and I carry 3 year old Giorno to a ship that's gonna take Jonathan and Erina to their honeymoon in America.
"Johanna! Speedwagon! Giorno!"
Giorno reaches for Jonathan.
"He can talk?!?"
"He only says Jojo."
Jonathan swings Giorno into the air.
"I'll see you in a couple of days!"
He gives him back and boards the ship. We waves goodbye then we all head home.
Days after Speedwagon comes home with Erina.
"Erina? But where's Jojo?"
Tears fall down her eyes as she says.
"He's dead."
I fall to the ground crying.

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now