Overdrive Part 1

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~9 months later~
(I decided 9 months because of Johanna's son and since Jonathan was in a coma and his bones where broken but his arm was almost shattered and the took a big hit to the head and the fire damage that Dio took would take him a while to recover.)
I wait for Speedwagon in front of the hospital with my son.
"I'm here!"
"What took you so long?"
"I got caught up in some trouble but it's ok. How's your son?"
"Giorno is only a month old you know. But still he's beautiful he has his father's hair."
"Dio's son...that sounds bad..."
"I don't plan on telling him that he's his father." He start walking into the hospital.
"But why doesn't the boy need to know his father?" "That's my decision."
"I know but-"
"Wait why is the light in Jonathan's room on?"
We slowly approach and look trough the crack in the door.
"That lady had been tending to his wounds!"
"Who is she?"
She turns and we see her face.
"No way!"
"What Lady Joestar?!?"
Jonathan finally wakes up after a 9 month coma. "He's wake!"
The lady starts talking.
"You've been asleep for 9 months. You're injury's we're almost fatal but by a miracle you survived."
"But how can you be standing here?!? You're the image of—But no. I'm sorry. Your face reminds me of a girl I used to know."
"Her name wouldn't happen to be Erina Pendleton would it?"
"It's you!"
"Long time no see Jonathan Joestar....Jojo."
"You've really grown up."
"Me? But you've grown a fair sight more. And yet you're still the same boy you were."
Speedwagon looks down with a smile on his face. "We should go."
We walk out of the hospital and Speedwagon stops in his tracks.
"Is something wrong?"
He looks up and the sky with joy.
"I dare say ol Jojo wont be lacking a reason to love after this reunion."
~next day~
Speedwagon and I went for a walk and we see Jonathan and Erina at the rubble that I used to call home.
Jonathan stops in front of me. The smile on his face was gone.
"Why do you have a baby with you?"
"He's my son Giorno."
"So that's Dio's son."
Erina can tell that Jonathan was boiling with anger. "Yes but-l"
"I've been helping her raise him so in the future he can see me as a father."
Erina and I are face to face.
"Long time no see Erina."
"Yes it has been a long time."
We look at Speedwagon and Jonathan laughing together.
"Something's never change huh dear friend."
"That's right."
"Mind if we walk with you both?"
"Not at all."
Speedwagon has to leave for business purposes so now I'm with Jojo and Erina. As we walk Erina held Giorno and Jonathan looked back.
"Is something wrong Jojo?"
"No. All is well."
Jonathan stopped walking and looked at a man eating a sandwich on a stone fence.
"Ah Signore and Signora Joestar. And the lass next to you two is Signorina Pendleton. And the little one is Giorno Brando."
"Correction it's Giorno Joestar Sir."
The man jumps into the air.
"Who are you?!?"
"You two survived against the mask! Not many people can claim that!"
The man hits Jonathan and me in our stomachs. "Jojo! Johanna!"
Giorno starts crying and Erina looks scared. We start cough dramatically.
"That's right. Let the shock of that impact push all the air from your bodies."
We both fall to the ground.
"Jojo! Johanna! Why? Jonathan was already hurt you cad!"
"It's true I knocked that air from their bodies but they'll thank me for it."
"My arm! What is this my broken bones feel like they're mending!"
"My body the pain is going's away!"
"Baron Zeppeli at your service. Courage alone will not be enough to beat the mask."
"My arm was shattered but now...the pain is has subsided!"
He picks up a huge rock.
"Lifting this rock is nothing."
He hands the rock to me.
"You're right!"
"That's incredible!"
Jonathan and I look at Zeppeli.
"Sir why are you here? And what is happening to us?!?"
I take crying Giorno from Erina and I calm him down.
"Please try to limit yourself to one question and you keep that child quite. You healed yourselves. How you breathed after I poked you both was the key." Zeppeli sneezes after he smelled too much pepper and falls is the fence. We run to him to help him up. "But why did you go to the trouble in the first place? And who did you know who we-"
"He disappeared?!?"
"What part of one question at a time eluded you? She's kept her child quite."
He turn around to see his causally standing he behind us.
"You'll get the answers you desire my amigo. Follow me. This day I will show you things, the likes of which, will change your destiny forever."
He takes us to a river which was confusing me it he said he would explain so I can't complain.
"Give Signorina Pendleton your son Signora Joestar."
I give sleepy Giorno to Erina.
"Be careful he's gets cranky when he's woken up from his nap."
"Now it was with good reason I struck you both in the diaphragm. The shock of the impact altered your breathing."
"But how did that heal my arm and Johanna's body pain?"
"With the energy I'm about to demonstrate for you." He walks into the river and stands behind a frog on a rock.
"Wait, what mischief is he planning?"
He starts breathing deeply. The water around his feet starts to rise. He starts moving his hands in a weird pattern.
"Look at him Erina! Are you seeing this Johanna?!?" "As clear as day brother!"
"His legs! Those ripples! I've never seen water do that!"
"What you see the the force that eased your pain and healed your broken bones Signore and Signora Joestar!"
He yells and aims for the frog!
"Don't do it!"
"Mr Zeppeli!"
Erina yells and Giorno starts crying! He hits the frog and smiles a sudden appears at breaks the rock under the frog! The frog falls and casually swims away unharmed!
"The frog seems none the worse!"
"That was Sendo you saw."
"Wait "Sendo?""
"What is that Mr.Zeppeli?"
I calm Giorno down and he falls back to sleep.
"It's ripple energy created by Hamon. I sent my Hamon coursing harmlessly through the froggy to split my real target. The rock below. Jojo! Johanna! I know for a fact that the stone mask was not destroyed! Dio Brando keeps it close to him even now!"
I cover my mouth.
I fall to the ground and I start vomiting.
"No! It can't be! Baron is Dio still alive?!?"
"Indeed and he holds the mask I have sought for decades now."
Erina and Jonathan help me up from the floor.
"That mask must be destroyed and it's master must be reduced to ash! It is both of your destinies to fight for this righteous cause! You both will learn to wield Sendo or you will die! The futures humanity is at stake!"
"Our Destinies?"
"What is he talking about? None of it makes any since?"
I finally get my strength back and I rest on the tree Jonathan has his hand on. Jonathan looks at her worried. I worry for her as well. Shes already suffered enough at Dio's hands. And Giorno...his father has ruined the lives of many people. We can't drag them into this. I feel power flowing through my hands. Flowers suddenly show up around the place I'm resting at.
~one week later~
And so we began to study Hamon under the tutelage of the mysterious Zeppeli. Day after day after day of hard training. It will pay off in the end. We sit down to rest on a bridge and Zeppeli tells us his backstory of how he discovered the mask and he left a family behind to find and destroy the stone mask he also told us how he discovered Hamon.
"Those who wear the mask feed on the blood of others to consume energy. Hamon and the stone mask are two sides of the same coin."
Jonathan and I both look at each other with courage in our eyes
"Of course!"
"We can overload Dio with that which animates from him!"
"Correct. If we can hit Dio with enough Hamon energy that devil will burst asunder. Hamon ripples are the same form as the waves of light sent out by the sun itself. The bane of all vampires!"
One day while we were training Speedwagon came running to us.
"I found something!"
~in the carriage~
Speedwagon explains that people have gone missing and have claimed to see someone that looked like Dio.
"We're our of time now. Your final test be one of life or death my pupils."
Jonathan holds my shivering hand.
"Yes Sir we'll met him in combat and lay him low."
I look at Speedwagon and he also has a worried look for both of us. I give him a small smile and he returns a big one in return.
"Give him hell! Look the entrance to the WindKnight's Lot."
"We'll attack Dio while there's still plenty of light in the sky."
Speedwagon takes out a huge box from under the seat and hands it to me while blushing.
"For you Lady Joestar."
I open it to see a metal hammer longer than me! I feel my cheeks turning red.
"Thank you Speedwagon!"
"Anything for you Lady Joestar."
"Call me Johanna."
I giggle as I see his blushing face.
"Hey no flirting! Stop it!"
We heard a loud bang from the top of the carriage.
The carriage suddenly stops.
"Why did we stop?"
"Oi mate hurry it up!"
"Be careful sunlight can't protect us in here."
"Well what's wrong?"
I hear Speedwagon scream and we rush out to see what happened. The sight was horrifying.

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now