A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit

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~50 years later~
"Finally land!!!"
Aurora lays in the ground tired.
"Finally we're here! Right Joseph!"
Giorno helps Aurora up as I grab our luggage.
"Hi Guys!!!"
Holly comes running and hugs Joseph.
"How's my favorite daughter?!?"
They hug each other and pretend to formally introduce themselves.
"Hi I'm Holly Kujo!"
"Aurora Borealis Zeppeli Joestar!"
The daughter of Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli and great granddaughter of William Anthonio Zeppeli. Born 1938. Master of Bubble Hamon. 51 years old and looks like she's 16.
Giorno Giovanna Joestar. Son of Dio Brando. Nephew to Jonathan Joestar. 104 years old and looks like 25.
Born 1891.
"Hello Holly."
She sees me and runs at me.
"Auntie Johanna!!!!"
She gives me the biggest hug.
"Hi Holly!"
We take our stuff to the car and she explains the problem.
"Jotaros in jail! I need your help!"
"Of course Holly we'll help."
"Thank you Auntie! We you leave your stuff in the house and we can head to the jail."
We head to Holly's house and we leave our stuff.
"Oh auntie can you go get some tea from the store a block way?"
"Sure! Aurora Giorno I'll be back."
"Of course Mot-"
Aurora tackles Giorno and holds him down on the floor.
"Ciao momma!"
"Oops sorry Gio!"
She starts running and they run pass Joseph.
"They're just like you and Caesar."
We both laugh then I got to the tea market.
"Sweet Apple Blend please."
The cashier hands me my bag and I walk outside and as I'm walking someone follows from behind.
"I suggest you stop following me unless you want a broken nose."
I point my sword at the young man.
"Oh sorry Ma'am! I thought I recognized you!"
A boy with cherry red hair and with a green school uniform.
"Who are you?"
"Kakyoin Noriaki."
"Johanna Joestar."
Something seems off about this boy.
"May I walk you home?"
"Uhhh ok?"
We walk in the direction of the house and feel slithering up my back. His hands are to his sides but the feelings still there. Something is definitely wrong. I make a turn away from Holly's house and he grabs my shoulder.
"Hey i want to show you something."
I forcefully grabs my shoulders and pulls to me an alley nearby.
"Let go of me!"
He faces me towards him and with a sinister smile.
"This will only hurt for a little bit."
I feel a pain in my back and chest, I look down to see and arrow in my chest. I start to steady my breathing as I start to blackout.
"Just a little longer Mrs.Brando"
Someone from behind me pulls the arrow from my chest and I fall to the ground.
"See you later."
I see Kakyoin and another boy walk away from the alley.
I use Hamon to heal the wound and I crawl my way to a nearby pay phone and I dial the house number.
"Kujo residents."
"Giorno....help me...."
"Go to....the nearest......pay phone."
I drop to get ground with the phone and I hear Giorno Joseph and Aurora's voices.
I slowly close my eyes as I hear there voices.
~an hour later~
I wake up in the guest room with Aurora.
She hugs me and starts crying.
"I thought you died!"
Giorno runs in and holds my hand.
"We found you covered in blood! What happened?!?"
"I was attacked. They shoot an arrow through my chest."
"Thank god you're not dead!"
I slowly get up and I fall but a blue arm appears from nowhere and helps me up.
"What was that?!?"
Aurora and Giorno back away from me.
"I don't know!"
Joseph and Avdol come home with Jotaro and Holly.
"Hello Jotaro."
He acts cool but when it's just us or me him and Giorno he's a lot more talkative.
"Jotaro has a stand Johanna!"
Joseph pats Jotaro's back.
"Shut up Jiji!"
"I think I have one also."
Joseph laughs.
"What? Not possible."
I extend the blue arm again alto show him.
"Are you gonna laugh again now?"
His jaw drops as Avdol starts to examine my stand.
"Show the full body!"
"Full body?"
"You can do it I believe in you!"
He holds my hands and tells me close my eyes to concentrate.
I hear them gasp as I open my eyes.

"It looks like Star Platinum!"Jotaro shows Star Platinum as my eyes tear up

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"It looks like Star Platinum!"
Jotaro shows Star Platinum as my eyes tear up.
"Auntie what's wrong?!?"
"Star Platinum looks like my brother Jonathan."
Star Platinum waves at my stand and they disappear.
We walk inside and Avdol helps me name her.
"Pick a card to name her!"
I pull out a card that has a arcana.
"The Fate arcana?"
"That's her name. Mercyful Fate."
It's a heal and fusion stand but really good at combat it's somewhat like Star Platinum when it comes to strength.
I sit at the table and I eat as fast as I can because Joseph and I have to pick up his son Jose.
Jose Joestar. Son of Joseph Joestar. Grandson of George Joestar the 2nd. Born 1989. 18 years old barely learning Hamon. Uses Clacker Volley. Stand user. Stand name Rush.
"Alright by the time we get to the airport he'll be arriving."
"I'll be back."
I kiss Aurora and Giorno's foreheads.
I place my hands and there foreheads.
"Are you guys feeling alright? I think you have a fever?"
"We're fine."
Aurora looks like she's sweating a waterfall.
Holly looks the same.
"Be careful alright."
As we walk to the airport we walk Jotaro to school. We part ways after he gets in the school.
~at the Airport~
"There he is!"

~at the Airport~"There he is!"

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"Hey guys."
We get his stuff and we head home.
"How's your mom?"
"I managed to talk her into letting me come. She said for you to call her when I get here."
"I'll call her at the house."
After we get home we find Jotaro and Avdol waiting in a room.
"What wrong?"
"I was attacked at school. This is the guy. I had something on his forehead. I took it out."
We walk inside and I freeze in my tracks.
"That's him! The one who attacked me!"
"I think it was the thing on his forehead that told him to do that. Jiji you need to tell Auntie Johanna why we suddenly have stands."
Joseph looks at me scared.
"Auntie......Giorno's father.....Dio.....he's alive...."

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now