Merciful World

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"You...first you take my eye.....then you made me injure my family..."
"But nobody can break through my stand powers!"
"You forget boy. I'm your mother."
I extend my hand to Dio.
"Shall we fuse my darling?"
Dio takes my hand and kisses it.
"Of course my love."
(Play song)
We summon our stands and hold each other and a bright light shines around us and suddenly we both join together.
"Never mess with us."

"Merciful World

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"Merciful World. Merciful Fate and The World fused together."
"It can't be!"
I turn to the Crusaders.
"We got this covered. Get to safety."
I turn back around to Johan with fear in his eyes.
"L-Listen I-I-I'm sorry..."
I start walking towards him as I hold my sword.
He starts to run but I use the worlds time stop.
"Let's punish this boy."
Merciful World starting hitting time stopped Johan and the 5 seconds pass and he's shot across the street.
He starts shooting his stand swords at me but I dodge them with ease and with the help of Time Stop. He starts to run as he sees us getting closer.
I use time stop to stand in front of him.
"What the fuc-"
The constant hits of my fists with Merciful Worlds fists and all we need is the final punch. I hit him with a fist of Hamon, he falls to the ground struggling to breath. I grab his shirt and hold him up in the air.
"Any last words?"
" forgot about the swords."
Several piercing stand swords hit our back forcing us to drop him as we unfuse. Johan pierces Dio into a nearby wall and focuses on me.
Johan grabs my sword and slowly pierces my skin to my heart.
"I never thought of you as family. You're just the woman who stole my dad away from me."
"Well...what are you want....for?....Kill me....I'll see"
As he's about to stab again someone grabs Johan's head and tackles him to the ground as Dio and I fall to the ground.
Dio holds me in his arms as he tries to stop the bleeding.
"Is she alright?!?"
"The blending won't stop!!"
Jose uses Hamon to stop the bleeding.
"Rest Auntie."
"Oi Dio can you time stop me near Johan?"
Dio stands up and and in a second Jose shows up behind Johan and uses Red Rush and Jumps into the air with Johan.
"My special move! Clacker Volley!"
He uses the steel balls filled with Hamon and Rush to hit Johan and finally hitting him to the ground.
"I...will not a Joestar!!"
Jose holds Johan's head in his hand.
"I'm a different Joestar."
"Jose....stop...leave him alone..."
Jose looks at us with death in his eyes.
"Sorry auntie."
Jose crushes Johan's head...blood goes everywhere...even on his face...Johan's lifeless body dangles on Jose's hand then turns into dust. Dio looks at the dust and smiles
"That wasn't the real Johan."
Jose wipes the blood off his face as Jotaro Giorno and someone wearing his jacket walk up to us.
"No that wasn't Johan. He's right here."
Johan takes off Jotaro's jacket and hugs us.
"Johan! Thank goodness!"
Giorno explains that they found Enyaba and found the real Johan and sent Jose to kill the fake one.
We see the sun slowly rises and we rush back to the mansion where Crusaders wait for us.
"We did it!"
We rest until nightfall where we take a plane back to Japan, we part ways with Polnareff and Avdol. We give Kakyoin a ride back home and we arrive at Holly's house we're Aurora, Holly and Suzie Q wait for us.
Holly and Suzie Q hug Jose ,Joseph and Jotaro.
Aurora hugs me and Giorno she looks at Dio and Johan.
"Momma who are they?"
"Your Father and your little brother."
Aurora walks up to Johan and Dio and looks at them. Dio nervously waves as Aurora. She giggles and hugs them both.
I had the Speedwagon Foundation does research on the mask and they found a way to reverse the mask but they'd have to replace Jonathan's body, make Dio a new body and teach Dio how to use Hamon to not let his age catch up with him. After the many months Dio can finally live as a normal human being and we can finally settle down.
Or so I thought.

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now