The Ascendant One

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After Speedwagon came to pick me up and I told Speedwagon everything that happened.
"...And so Caesar died to help Joseph..."
"So you did "it" with Caesar?"
"Yes....without protection..."
I looked at his jacket in sadness but then the car lead to the Area Joseph and Lisa Lisa are at.
"Weren't we leaving for New York?"
"Nope I can tell Joseph and Elizabeth need help isn't that right Smokey?"
I look at the driver to see it's Smokey.
"Hi Auntie Johanna!"
"Here you're gonna need your stuff!"
Speedwagon jumps to the front seat as I change into my battle clothing.
Speedwagon explains to Smokey that Lisa Lisa is Elizabeth Joestar, Joseph's Mom. Jonathan's Son, George Joestar, was married to Elizabeth and they had Joseph.
George was killed my one of Dio's pupils and Elizabeth was framed and wanted dead. Speedwagon and I had to help hide Elizabeth and I had to raise Joseph and Giorno while keeping Elizabeth's past hidden from the world.
"We're here!"
I see ultralight stands every even on the men's coats!
Speedwagon hands me duel guns one light colored one dark colored with ultralight bullets.
"Oblivion and Oathkeeper. One with pure ultralight bullets and one with ultraviolet light bullets."
I look to see Joseph and Elizabeth fighting Kars.
"Guys! I'm here."
"Auntie Johanna! Speedwagon! Smokey!"
Kars stabs Elizabeth and hangs her from her feet.
I run to help Elizabeth and Joseph.
"Jojo let go of the rope!"
I see him tying ropes together and I see what he's doing and I start climbing the structure.
"Auntie stay away!"
Kars hits me and I fall down
I take out my sword and stab it on a pillar before Im impaled by spikes.
"He's not letting me do anything!"
I see Joseph's scarf on fire and I start to aim the guns.
Kars hits Joseph but he's hanging but a rope tied to his leg. I help untie Elizabeth and Joseph.
"Here take her to safety!" Speedwagon and I take her to the medics and a wave of zombies paper form nowhere!
I help Joseph with the zombies with the guns and he swings my hammer.
"Robert where's the stone?!?"
Kars lays on the spikes with the mask.
"Hold them off Jojo!"
I run and aim with my guns.
"Wait don't-"
His head turns as the lights hit his face.
Von Strohiem pulls me back as his transformation starts.
The light of dawn appears and all of us cheer as we think that's it but as the light hit Kars he remains unfazed by the light.
"What the hell?!?"
As Kars monologues I quick slide to the stone and broken mask and slide back to Joseph.
"There's only one plan left Jojo!"
"You don't mean the Joestar Family Technique?!?"
"Yes! Ready Jojo?!?"
"Three, Two One!"
We see the plane and we get ready.
We both run to the plane and I take off my headband to show my horns and I active Hamon Berserk.
"Here! I'm going on the roof to shoot!"
As Jospeh drives the plane Kars follows us and his arms turned into wings.
"Come back!"
I start shooting at Kard with the bullets to slow him down.
"Auntie I have an idea but you're not gonna like it!"
"Whatever you have to do Jojo do it!"
Without noticing Kars shatters my left arm and I drop oblivion. My arm looks like a broken cup. No blood. I look at the pieces of my shattered arm fall of the plane. I run back inside the plane and sit next to Joseph.
"What happened to your arm?!?"
"Don't worry about me!"
Joseph steers the plane into a Volcano.
"Von Stroheim?!?"
The plane hits a rock and we go flying into the air, we see Kars fall into the lava yelling. I see Joseph about to fall into the lava.
I grab his hand and I spin my whip sword to safely land on the ground.
"Where's Stroheim?!?"
"Over here!"
We see Stroheims metal legs broken.
I turn off Hamon Berserk and we help Stroheim up.
"It's finally done Auntie."
"Yes Joseph. We can't rest easily."
I spoke to soon.
I hear rocks break and I see Joseph's hand fall in front of me and he drops Stroheim.
Kars grabs my neck and starts chocking me.
"Just you and that fool and no more Hamon Users! No one stop me."
I feel him breaking my other arm but I feel the pain this time.
I see everything around me turning black.

I wake up in my bed in the Joestar Mansion.
"Johanna are you ok?!?"
Young Giorno Elizabeth Erina and Jonathan's son George walk in.
"Mother what's wrong?"
"Yes Aunt Johanna are you alright"
"I'm fine I just had a weird dream that's all."
Erina put her hand on my head.
"Your fever has gone down. Thank the heavens."
"Erina is she alright?"
Jonathan and Dio walk into the room.
"Jojo! Dio!"
I get off the bed and I hug them.
"I think shes alright?"
I turn away from them and I start talking about the dream.
"Man you guys had to see it!"
I turn around and the mansion is on fire.
I close my eyes and cry.
"Wake up Auntie!"
Huh? That voice?!?

I slowly wake up and I'm in a medical bed?
I turn to see Suzie Q sitting in a chair and Joseph in a bed next to me.
"Suzie Q....Joseph..."
Suzie helps me sit up and hands me a glass, I reach for it with my right hand but she pulls it away from me.
"No Madama Joestar. With your left."
I look to see a mechanical arm.
"Mr Stroheim said you need to get used to that now."
I grab the glass with my left and Joseph explains how we ended up at the hospital in Venice.
"When are we gonna see them?"
"Our plane leaves tomorrow morning. I heard they were going to a funeral with Giorno."
"I miss my sweet child! I wanna go see him now!"
Suzie Q comes into the room with spare clothing.
"Well Madama Joestar Giorno wont be the only child you'll have."
"What do you mean Suzie?"
"Why Madama Joestar you're pregnant! Three weeks pregnant!"
Joseph and I snap out and in of reality!
"What?!? Pregnant?!? How long was a asleep?!?"
"Two and a half weeks."
We pack our stuff and head to the airport and on the plane ride I look at the photo of Me Jonathan and Dio when we were little kids. I remember the flash back of the weird dream.
Do I still love Dio?
"Did you say something Auntie?"
Joseph holds sleeping Suzie in his arms.
"Yea it's just......I miss the old days...."
My eyes start to tear up.
"Don't worry Auntie after we see them things will go back to the way they were."
~in New York~
We make it to the graveyard and we see them all.
"Here Auntie."
Joseph hands me some gloves.
"Why do I need these?"
"It's raining and you don't want your metal arm to get rusty."
I put them on and as I ready myself Joseph walks out of the car.
"Are you alright Madama Joestar?"
"I'm fine I'm just preparing myself."
"It's gonna be alright I guarantee it!"
We hear Joseph yelling and we look through the window and we see Jospeh getting tackled by two guards.
"We should help him."
"Jojo! Behave you didn't have to ruin this for them!"
Speedwagon looks at us with shock like he saw ghosts.
"It can't be! It's Jospeh Johanna and Suzie Q!"
"What you thought we died?"
"Wait so you never sent the telegram didn't you Suzie?!?"
She stays there silent until she starts yelling.
"I never sent it I'm sorry Joseph and Johanna!"
"Ahhhh Suzie Q you had one job!"
He starts to chase her as she runs to the car to hide.
"Well that explains everything. So what-"
Giorno hugs me before I could finish my sentence.
"Not so hard Giorno. I'm still recovering."
I wipe away Giorno's tears and kiss his forehead.
"I'll never leave you alone."
"Hey mom. I have a feeling something is watching me from behind."
"It's probably nothing don't worry about it."


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Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now