The Curse of DIO

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I held my sword to Joseph's throat.
"What do you mean he's alive?!?"
He shows me a photo of Dio and the Joestar birthmark lays on his shoulder.
"Jonathan's body?!?"
"If you have a stand then Giorno and Aurora would have one."
I lower my sword as Kakyoin wakes up and recognizes me.
"Miss Joestar! I'm so sorry for what I did to you!"
"It's fine you were under Dio's control. Lets just get some rest and we can figure this out tomorrow."
We go to our rooms, Giorno and Aurora are still sweating a waterfall.
"Hey don't sleep with your blankets."
I pour them iced water and unbraided Giorno's hair.
"I love you both."
"Love you Momma."
"Love you Mother."
We went to bed but I had trouble falling asleep but eventually I went to bed and I woke up to empty beds
"Huh where's Giorno and Aurora?"
Joseph runs in holding Aurora in his arms.
"She's unconscious! It's the same with Holly!"
He lays Aurora on her bed and I grab his shirt and pull him close.
"We don't know!"
I run around the house looking for Giorno.
Joseph finds out where he is and we ran to a nearby ice cream store to find him in a freezing cold fridge unconscious.
"Let's take him home!"
After Joseph took us home I sat next to their beds while the doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation checked on them. Avdol walks in with some tea.
"Thank you Avdol."
"They're going to be alright."
I look at Holly Aurora and Giorno struggling to breath.
Jose sits by Holly with despair in his eyes then he gets mad.
"We need to find Dio!"
I take out the photo of Dio and Jose takes it to Joseph Jotaro and Kakyoin.
"Find out where he is now!"
Jotaro takes the photo from Jose and looks at it carefully.
"Bring me a sketch pad."
As we give him one Star Platinum beings to draw a figure.
"A Fly?!?"
Avdol takes the drawing and examines it.
"I've seen this fly before. Do you have a dictionary?"
Jotaro points at the library.
"It's in the library."
"Papa? Jose?"
Giorno and Holly wake up and we tend to their needs.
I hold Giorno in my arms and I run my fingers through his hair.
"Mother can you sing for me?"
"Of course."
"In times flow see the glow of flames ever burning bright. On the swift rivers drift broken memories a line."
I continue to hum the rest as he closes his eyes and falls asleep.
I call the Speedwagon Foundation for the best doctors we have.
"The fly is in Egypt."
"It's settled then! For my Giorno and Aurora!"
"For my sister Holly!"
I change into my battle clothing and I meet with the others.
"Let's go boys!"

We get on a plane to Egypt and I practice my Hamon on the ride

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We get on a plane to Egypt and I practice my Hamon on the ride.
"You can rest easily Auntie."
"I can't"
Jotaro hands me some water and a piece of cake.
"Rest. Now."
Jose and Joseph's snoring can be heard through the whole plane.
"Can't sleep with that."
Kakyoin and Avdol wake up.
"What's wrong?"
"Shh! A stand!"
A bug stand shows up and Kakyoin manages to beat it.
"Thank the heavens!"
"Dad! The plane! It's falling!"
Jose runs to the cockpit and tries to balance the plane.
"Dio is gonna get you all!"
The old man walks to the cockpit and yells.
"Dio has sent stand users for you all! He will reclaim his wife and children also!"
He falls to the ground dead.
"Dad the controls are broken! Have the passengers ready for impact! RED RUSH!"
He summons his stand and it holds the controls as we all help the passengers. We hit the water and we landed near Hong Kong. After the coast guard come to save us and released us from their custody we went to a restaurant.
"Excuse me do you have a phone?"
"Over here Ma'am."
I call the Kujo residence.
"Johanna Joestar."
"Madama Joestar. We have an update on Holly Giorno and Aurora."
"Holly and Aurora are the same but Giorno has recovered quite well. It looks like he should be fine in a few days."
"Thank you."
I hang up and I sit with the guys.
"How are they?"
"Holly and Aurora are the same but Giorno has recovered well."
"We have to hurry. We only have fifty days to stop Dio."
"Dad the best way to make it to Egypt is by sea. I doubt there would be stands for the sea."
"I agree."
A man with a French accent walks to our table and asks for help with the Menu.
"Bonjour Monsieur!" (Hello Sir!)
"Bonjour Madame, vous parlez Français?" (Hello Ma'am you speck French?)
"Oui Monsieur!" (Yes sir!)
"A British lady who knows French? How lovely. Jean-Pierre Polnareff."
"Care to join us?"
He sits and Joseph orders food. Jose and Joseph start an eating contest with Jose in the lead.
Polnareff holds a carrot on his chopsticks.
"This reminds me of something."
Jose and Joseph stop eating and I hold on to my sword.
"That's right someone I know has this exact same mark on his shoulder."
A sword shoots from the bottom of the table and Jose and I summon our stands.
"Stop I'll only fight the young boy and him!"
He points at Avdol and they arranged a fight out of the restaurant.
"Absolutely not! Not my son!"
"It's fine Dad. You taught me better."
We all go to Tiger Balm Garden with Jose and Avdol.
"The boy first."
Jose cracks his knuckles and summons Rush.
"Five minutes to weaken me for your friend."
Polnareff charges at Jose and Jose uses Rush's ability.
"RED RUSH!" (Rush's ability can move so fast you can't see it move. It can kick fast enough to knock you unconscious for days."
Rush's kicks send Polnareff flying to the other side of the Garden.
"Times up!"
Avdol high fives Jose and he joins the sidelines.
Avdol fights Polnareff and manages to knock him unconscious. Jotaro pulls another one of Dio's flesh buds from his head and we leave him there. We arrive at the docks and he shows up again.
"Is there something you need?"
"I want to thank Jose and Avdol for saving me and showing me a good fight."
Polnareff explains his back story and asks us to take him with us. We accept and he talks about how he meet Dio.
"He has order other people to kill all of you accept Johanna. He says he wants his wife and kids back."
"We need to get to Egypt and fast."
Hold on.
We'll save you guys. Even if it costs my life.

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now