Justice for the Bride of DIO

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Joseph was driving non stop with sadness and anger mixed in his face. It's been days since Avdol and Jose died. Joseph has taken Jose's death horribly and he hasn't slept or eaten. We wouldn't talk to anyone even me....
"You need to rest."
He slams the breaks and has a breakdown.
"My son! My beloved son! Where were we?!? How am I gonna tell Suzie Q that her son is dead because of me?!?!? How am I going to tell Holly her brother is dead and I wasn't there to save him?!?!?"
I hug Joseph as the rest of the Crusaders wake up from the drive.
"It's alright Joseph....let it out...."
Polnareff Jotaro and Kakyoin hold Joseph's shoulder as he continues to cry in my arms.
"Look there's a town nearby let's rest there ok?"
He nods his head as he wipes away his tears. I get in the drivers seat and drive to the little town.
"Auntie are you sure it fine to drive in a thick fog?"
"It's fine Jojo. I can still see."
Jotaro looks to the side worried.
"Are you alright Jojo?"
"It's nothing Auntie."
I park and we walk around town looking for a restaurant and hotel. It's very foggy and it's getting hard to see.
We spot a restaurant but the man changes the sign to closed when we're about to enter.
"Hey you can't do that! That's mean!"
"Be nice Auntie."
"Fine is there a hotel nearby?"
The man stands there in silence. I reach for my sword but Jospeh stops me.
"We don't want trouble here. Stay calm and trust me."
He whispers in my ear.
"I think we're being followed by another stand user. Here."
He hands me a tracking device and I hide it in a small pocket in my skirt.
We find a dead body and people with god awful acne!
"Let's get out of here!"
We all run to the car but it's gone!
"What the fuck?!? I parked it right here!"
As I start ranting an old lady appears from the fog.
She bows and we bow back.
"Sorry Ma'am for my behavior."
"It's fine young lady. You seem to be travelers and with this fog it's dangerous to leave town now. I run a little bed and breakfast. If you'd like, why not stay there for the night?"
We careful walk with the old lady to the hotel.
"Come now Mr. Joestar. That's my hotel."
As we walk in she tells us about the hotel but I was too nervous to hear her.
Jotaro holds my shoulder before we walk in.
"Hold it old lady. You just said Joestar didn't you? How'd you know that name?"
She stays silent for a little bit the she points at Polnareff.
"That young man said Mr. Joestar not to long ago."
Polnareff looks confused but he thinks he said Mr. Joestar. Jotaro you lucky son of a bitch even I didn't notice that.
"By the way Ma'am what happened to your left hand?"
"Oh this I just burned it."
We continue the walk into the Hotel and it surprisingly nice on the inside than it looks on the outside.
I see the sign in book and everyone's name is misspelled.
"Is something wrong Mrs. Joestar?"
"Mrs Joestar?"
"Oh a naturally assume you and that man are married."
She points at Joseph but I laugh at that.
"No sorry I'm his granddaughter."
"Oh my bad! Miss?"
"Johan Joestar."
"Well come I'll show you your rooms."
After she shows us our rooms Joseph calls is to his and we talk in private.
"We may not know who that stand user is but when we do convince them to take you to Dio."
"Alright but if something goes wrong then take care of Giorno and Aurora for me."
"What if I can change Dio's mind?"
Joseph laughs then he realizes I'm being serious.
"Auntie a man that far gone isn't worth saving."
"But I have to try!"
"Auntie! That's the man that killed your brother!"
"I don't care! If I can save Dio I'm gonna save him!"
I storm out and I try to find the old lady it Joseph finds me in the hall.
"If you had been there to save Jose then maybe I would believe you but no! You only care about yourself!"
He winks at me and I see what you're doing you bastard.
"Well guess what! My son is more important than your dead son!"
We start to throw rounds then the Crusaders pulls us apart and the old lady escorts me to her room and serves me tea.
"Here. That man was rude to you!"
I wipe away fake tears and I took a sip of the tea.
"Sweet Apple Blend?"
"Yes! I heard it was your favorite."
She closes and locks the door.
"Johanna Brando."
"So you do work for Dio?"
"My My you are smart Mrs. Brando."
"I get it from my brother."
She stays in silence for a while.
"Yes for the woman that Dio loves to death I would never imagine it would be a woman like you."
I chuckle as I set the tea down.
"Listen Ma'am I'll cut to the chase about Dio. I want to reunite with him all Dio has to do is lift the curse from my son daughter and Joseph's daughter Holly. Is that clear?"
"Yes Mrs Brando."
"Good now."
I hold my sword to her throat and an evil grin forms on my face.
"Tell Dio my conditions and I'll gladly go with you. What's your name?"
"Yes Ma'am! It's Enyaba!"
"Enyaba let us stay one night and if I don't get my response in the morning we're leaving."
She looks at me with Awe like she saw a goddess standing before her.
"Now I know why he chose you."
I walk out of her room and back to Joseph's room with the guys.
"Well what happened?"
"She's gonna talk to Dio about letting me go to Egypt."
They cheer and we hug.
"You can do this Johanna!" Kakyoins big smile lights the room.
Polnareff pats my back.
"I knew you could do it!"
Jotaro smiles and covers his eyes with his hat.
"Nice job Auntie."
Joseph give me a bear hug. After he puts me down I explain the plan.
"Can you really save a man who can't be saved?"
"I believe I can do it. If something goes wrong I'll hit the panic button on this device."
~in the morning~
We all sit in the lobby waiting for Enyaba. She arrives with tea and coffee.
"Tea for Mrs. Brando and coffee for the rest."
"Well what did he say?"
Enyaba sits down and another boy walks into the room and sits next to her.
"He said you can go to Egypt but only you and the men go back home then he'll lift the curse from your kids."
Joseph looks down and shivers from fear.
"As you say. Let me say goodbye to them."
"Of course."
Her and the blue haired boy walk out of the lobby to the front of the hotel.
The Crusaders hug me and Joseph whispers in my ear.
"We'll be right behind you. We'll get to Egypt to help you. We're not going home just yet."
I bow and I walk with Enyaba and the boy to a car.
I get in and the boy starts to drive and I wave to the Crusaders as the car drives away.
"Now Mrs Brando when we get there I'll have some clothing ready for you to change into. You wouldn't want Dio to see you in that. Right Johan?"
"Correct Enyaba."
Johan Brando
Age 18
Stand user
His hair looks like the blue streaks on mine but mine are due to Hamon Berserk but he has no Hamon. He looks a lot like Giorno.

 He looks a lot like Giorno

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Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now