A Letter From The Past Part 1

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~Years later~
"Come on Jojo!"
I watch as Jonathan runs across the football field. Dio and Jonathan have been getting along ever since Dio and I got engaged. It's was father's idea I thought it was incest but we're not related by blood so father approved it.
"And Dio gets the wining score! What a team Jonathan and Dio are!"
"Go Dio! Go Jojo!"
I run to the field to hug them both.
"My bride to be!"
Dio dips me and kisses me front of everyone. Jonathan claps as Dio kisses my cheek.
"We should tell father of our victory!"
We get home and up to Fathers room.
"Father have you heard the news! Dio and Jojo won the game!"
"I heard the news can spread fast."
Fathers coughing sounds worse that yesterday.
"How was your ballet show Johanna?"
"It was good!"
Dio wraps his arms around my shoulder.
"She looked so elegant."
"I'm glad you to agreed to get married. I expect a grandson."
Dio Jonathan and Father laugh as my face turns red.
"The doctor will get here soon. go do your things." Jonathan and I examine the stone mask that was in the carriage wreck.
"So if I drop blood spikes come out and it looks like it can pierce the brain."
"I wonder what it does if it pierced the brain Jojo." "Where's Dio?"
"He went off into town I don't know why."
"Johanna where are you?"
"Never mind he's here."
I walk to the living room to where Dio is holding a small box and Fathers sits on a near by chair.
"Dio what are you doing?"
Jonathan sits next to Father confused also. Dio walks up to me and gets down on one knee.
"I wanted to do this properly."
He holds up the box to show a diamond ring.
"Johanna Joestar will you marry me?"
I started to tear up.
"Yes Dio yes!"
He puts the ring on my finger stands up and kisses me. Father and the servants clap but Jojo doesn't.
"Alright hands to yourself Dio."
Dio carries me bridal style.
"I would suggest you guys leave the house. There might me yelling."
"Dio! You don't mean-"
I feel one of his hands on my butt and he nuzzles his face on mine.
"Yes Johanna~"
Jonathan stands up with anger in his face.
"Unacceptable! That's premarital!"
He takes me away from Dio.
"My little sister doesn't need to have-"
He covers my ear then uncovers them.
"She's 20! She can do what ever she wants Jojo!" Jonathan and Dio grab each other's shirts but Father's coughing interrupt the fight.
I run to stop him from falling off the chair.
"Dio help me take him to his bed!"
Dio carries father to his bed and I sit on a nearby chair. "I'm worried Dio. What if he doesn't get better?"
He kneels down and wipes a tear off my cheek.
"He'll get better I know it."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Believe me I know."
He kisses me and stands up.
"I'll go get his medicine."
He walks out and Father slowly wakes up.
"Rest Father you're burning up."
"What happened?"
"You passed out coughing."
"Where's Dio and Jojo?"
"Jojo's in the library and Dio went to get your medicine." "I hope they get along since you and Dio are getting married."
"When are we getting married?"
"Hopefully soon."
I hear yelling outside.
"Oh no! Jojo! Dio!"
I run to see Jonathan holding a letter at Dio's face.
"You will pay for what you did to Father and Johanna!" "Jojo! Dio!"
They look at me with horror in their faces. Dio runs to me and hugs me!
"I'm sorry Johanna!"
"Dio what's wrong?"
"Jojo! He's thinks I'm trying to poison father!"
"Jojo why would you think that?!?"
"I have proof! The poison in his pocket!"
"It's father's medicine!"
"Jojo you've gone mad!"
"Think about all the things he's done in our childhood! Why you and Erina stopped talking! You've loved Dio from the moment you saw him and you denied all the bad things he did!"
"Leave now!"
"I'll leave but I'll come back with proof!"
I leave to my room while Jojo tells father he's going to London. After Jojo leaves Dio and I arrange our wedding for tomorrow so father could see us get married. After that we head home and we get ready for bed.
"Well tomorrows the big day huh?"
"Yes and I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress."
Dio brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Oh stop it."
"What did Jojo mean by " you loved him when you first saw him."
"I Uhh well I saw you and I blushed at the sight of your elegant hair and wonderful eyes."
He carries me bridal style to the bed and lays me down. "You are scared?"
"No I wanted you to be my first. Be gentle."
He starts kissing my neck.
"I will."

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now