The Sun and The Moon Fight Pt 2

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(Wait until the end or the middle for the song)
Johanna should be here by now, the others are going to arrive any minute.
D'Arby's voice can be heard from the entrance along with the others.
"Johanna where are you?"
I walk to the dining room where they sit waiting for me and Johanna.
"Evening Gentlemen."
"Evening Dio. Where's Johanna?"
"I don't know she went out and she hasn't come back yet."
"You lie."
"She had a panic button and she set it off!"
"I swear I haven't done anything!"
"Prove it!"
D'Arby runs into the dining room out of breath.
"Lord Dio! It's Lady Johanna and Young Lord Johan! They're in trouble!"
I look at the guys and sigh.
"Please help me save my son and wife."
Jotaro walks up to me and extends his hand.
"Anything for my auntie Johanna and my uncle Dio."
We shake hands and we head out. We see Johanna facing the sky with her back facing us.
She's wearing a different dress and her hair is short without the blue Hamon streaks.
I stop Joseph and Jotaro.
"What wrong?"
"Somethings wrong. She wasn't wearing that's dress and she never got her hair cut."
I slowly walk to her and I stop halfway.
She turns around and she's deep in Hamon Berserk.

She turns around and she's deep in Hamon Berserk

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"What happened?!?"
I start to slowly approach her.
"Stop. You're deep in Hamon Berserk. Calm down."
Mercyful Fate appears and covers Johanna. Jotaro walks next to me with Star Platinum.
Mercyful Fate attacks us with Hamon.
She starts to attack us and she's not holding back.
I cant use The World! She has too much Hamon! If I attack her and she hits me all be dead!
"Jotaro! Knock her out!"
Kakyoin Polnareff Avdol and Jotaro charge at her with full force as Joseph sets a trap for her.
She knocks them all out so quick but Joseph's trap strings into action! Kakyoin and Joseph tie her in Hermit Purple and Hierophant Green and hold her in place.
She grabs on to their stands and blasts them with Hamon. She stops fighting and Johan shows up with Enyaba. He holds a mirror with a moonstone. He's using King's Touch!
"Johan what's the meaning of this?!?"
"She's poisoned your mind Father. I'm simply saving you."
"Stop this at once!"
"Sorry I can't. Mother attack him but no Hamon."
She runs so fast I was lucky I dodged her punch. Her eyes are bloodshot, her fangs are showing and her horns are cracking by the second! She keeps yelling as she punches as if she's in pain.
"Johanna please stop!"
I wasn't focusing and Mercyful Fate Requiem hits me into the pile of the Crusaders.
"Hahahahaha! You see father I can save you!"
Johan stand himself with a stand arrow while laughing like a maniac.
His hair and eye color change as light and his laughter consume him.

The blades pierce all of us and they carry us in the air

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The blades pierce all of us and they carry us in the air.
Pain appears as he starts to laugh again.
Joseph tried to pull the blade out and uses Hermit Purple with Hamon to weaken it.
"Use your stands!"
A voice from behind us yells out and suddenly we're dropped to the ground.
"I don't know who you are but you better stop!"
"Let my auntie Johanna go!"
I turn to see Giorno and Jose.
"Jose! You're alive!"
Jose helps Joseph up and hugs him. Giorno stands in front of me and extends his hand to me.
"Hello Father."
We smile as he pulls me up. The Crusaders and me struggle to stand up and Giorno and Jose walk in front of us.
"Ahhh yes my older brother Giorno!"
"Older brother?"
Giorno looks at me then looks back at Johan.
"Listen ummm what's your name?"
"Listen Johan you can fix this just calm down."
"Jose you know what to do."
Jose takes us to an alleyway and gives us some water.
"Heal for now we're gonna need all the help we can get if we're going against Auntie."
Jose runs out and Joseph uses Hamon to heal the others.
"Please Johanna fight against Johan's ability. I know you can. Help our sons and help me also."

(Play the song) Johanna's POV
I wake up in an endless pool of water. I look at the roof to see Giorno and Johan fighting.
"Stop! Stop it!"
A Voice from behind me calls me.
"Giorno will die if you don't save him."
I turn to see Star Platinum.
"Star Platinum?"
"He will die if you stay here."
As he walks to me age changes form and reveals he's Jonathan and he holds my hands.
"I never gave you my Hamon. Here."
Light shines around us and he disappears as I close my eyes.
A sudden burst of light shines around me and I pull out my sword as it's fulls with Hamon.
"Thank you brother."

I throw the whip at the roof and it shatters and the night light shines through and I start to grow by bigger as the mirror starts to shatter

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I throw the whip at the roof and it shatters and the night light shines through and I start to grow by bigger as the mirror starts to shatter.

I throw the whip at the roof and it shatters and the night light shines through and I start to grow by bigger as the mirror starts to shatter

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The mirror shatters on the ground and point my sword at Johan's throat.
"Haha That's my Auntie!"

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now