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{Rose's P.O.V.} {edited}

My phone dings and its another text from an unknown number, ugly as fuck what the hell you need to die bitch. I stared at my screen blocking off the sounds around me from the other kids sitting in the hallway. This time I stay strong and hold back the tears, I don't want to be ridiculed for crying at school again.

"Hey Rose, is this spot taken?" a voice asks from my right ripping my gaze away from the screen of my phone. Luke smiles at me, making his dimples show. Taken aback I stutter shaking my head. He smiles wider and slides down the wall sitting beside me cross legged.

"What's that?" he asks face full of concern pointing to the nasty text on my phone screen.

"Oh nothing," I say turning my phone off and tucking it in my pocket. Glancing around the hallway I see people are staring at us, looks of confusion, judgment and many others emotions flash about the faces around us. I don't blame them, who would ever think they would see Luke Hemmings with Rose Mitton, its like seeing an actor hang out with a homeless person.

Wanting to speed this up so I don't have to be stared at for longer I ask "So why did you come over here?"

"I wanted to get your number so we could talk about the science project and get together to do it."

"How about, I don't do that, do it myself alone then hand it in with both our names on it," I say voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No I don't think so, I want to help, here put your number in," he says handing me his phone. I internally groaned and took his phone making myself a contact. He smiles, all too wide, all he did was get my phone number.

"Great, I'll um, text you," he says. I'm probably making a mistake but he sounded... excited. We sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds, but the bell rings and saves me from more embarrassment.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow," he says waving me good bye and walking away.

"Bye," I say getting up and turning around. Did that really just happen? Did Luke fucking Hemmings just ask me for my number. Oh I shoudln't get excited, it's for a science project that's all. It was all I could think about as I walked to my next class.

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