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{Rose's P.O.V.} {unedited}

I sit on my bed anxiously waiting for my father to get home. Luckily in the weekdays he stays at work late but on the weekends he comes home earlier, and mom and I have to deal with him. I hear the front door slam open and angry muttering, and dread fills my body. He is already upset, that'll just make this 100 times worse. I hear a thump, maybe it was him putting his bag down. Suddenly a roar fills the house with noise.

"Rose!" my father yells. I groan, lazily getting off the bed and walking downstairs. When I get down the stairs his bag is resting at his feet and his face is read and he is flustered. 

"Pick this up and bring it to my room for me," he says rudely, I want to say back 'nice to see you too Dad' but hold back not wanting him more pissed. I take his bag upstairs and deposit his bag in his room. When I walk from his room to the kitchen he passes poking my stomach.

"Still fat I see," he says snickering. I clench my fists, and keep walking, trying to ignore his taunt. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him with all my soul. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a nice cold glass of water, skipping the snacks in the cupboard, agreeing with him, I am fat. He walks into the kitchen, spots me, and snickers again.

"Yep, no dinner for you tonight," he says. I think 'fine with me.' I try to walk past him to my bedroom but get pulled back by strong hands. I look back and Dad is there close to my face. He breaths and I can smell alcohol on his breath and cringe away hating the smell. 

"Fat whore, you know that right?" he sneers. I nod looking at my feet not wanting to cross him when he's drunk. Suddenly pain shoots in my face and I'm knocked to the ground, and I cup my cheek. 

"Good," he says stepping on my hand as he walks away. I lay there for a minute, it's nothing new, he has always been abusive. I get up and walking slowly to my bedroom. As soon as I close my door I start to cry. I sit in my closet rocking back and forth, wishing someone was here to help me, and my thoughts drifted to Luke.

Luke, I could text him to see if I can stay with him for the weekend. No that would be too much, I still don't actually know him at all. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I bring it out to see no other than a text from Luke.

Luke: Hey

Rose: Hi Luke. Are you doing anything for the rest of the weekend?

Luke: No why?

Rose: I was wondering if I could stay at your house for the rest of the weekend?

Luke: Rose whats wrong? and yeah of course

Rose: I'll explain when I get to your house okay? Do you mind picking me up?

Luke: No not at all :) see you in a bit

I smile to myself, I won't have to deal with dad this weekend, and I'll get to spend more time with Luke, why he is showing interest in me at all if the weirdest thing, but it makes me feel...happy. Something I haven't truly felt in a long while. I get up and take my small backpack and pack some overnight things. I hear a car beep come from outside the house and try to evade my dad and try run down the stairs.

"Excuse me where are you going?" I hear from behind me. and I pivot on my heel to face my dad.

"To my friends, I won't be back until late tomorrow," I snap turning around and I realize that was a mistake. Dad looks out the window and sees Luke in his car.

"Oh so your going to go be a whore, okay go," he says shoving me so I fall down the stairs. Even though it was five short stairs, my elbows and tailbone burns from the impact. My eyes instantly water, and I get up quickly limping out the door and to Luke's car.

"Rose what's wrong?" Luke asks with a worried expression as soon as I get in the car.

"Just drive please," I say voice cracking. He turns the car on hitting the gas, and entwining his fingers in mine, and I lean my head on his shoulder as I cry even though my mind is screaming I shouldn't trust this boy.

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