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{Rose's P.O.V.} {edited}

By the time we had gotten to Luke's I had stopped crying, but the evidence on my face remained. My tailbone was throbbing like hell and I was cradling my elbow, it felt like I broke it. We silently got out of the car and walked (well I limped) to his front door of his house. It was a grand looking thing, a double garage, 2 floors, balcony and it was a pretty grey colour. He led me through the front door and it was just as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside with a little table beside the front door with today's newspaper on it, the floor was tile and had a design in the middle of the room, there was a leather bench underneath a giant mirror, a closet, and 3 door that I could see and a hallway leading off.

"Mom I'm home!" Luke yells making me jump. He mutters sorry and walks to the first door by the hallway, you peek in and see a circle staircase going up and down, the walls lined with more mirrors. At the top of the staircase you see a woman reflected in the mirrors leaning against the railing.

"Hey honey, and you must be Rose, my names Liz" she says smiling. Despite my mood and physical state I smile and give a small wave.

"We'll be downstairs if you need us," Luke says ushering me quickly downstairs. He leads me into a room and it turns out to be his bedroom. In the corner of the room there is a bed with black blankets and pillows, the walls look like brick and are lined with all my favourite bands posters, on the other side of the room its a wall that's actually shelving filled with things like CD's and DVD's and books and a... penguin stuffy. Also on that wall there is a TV with a couch in front of it and an acoustic guitar in the corner. Luke heads off to another door in his room. Jesus how big is his house I think walking around the room and running my fingers along the CD's. Luke comes back in from what looks like the closet and my eyes follow him as he walks and sits on the couch. He motions for me to sit beside him and I try to, wincing in agony at my tailbone. Luke gazes at me with sad eyes.

"Can you tell me what happened now Rose?" he asks softly. I take breath knowing I will most likely start crying anyway. I had makeup on so obviously where father hit me wasn't showing on my face. He gasps as I pull my sleeve up past my hand so he can see my bruising knuckles where Dad stepped on my hand. 

"My father is kind of abusive, before I texted you he hit my face, and stepped on my hand as you can see," I say waving my hand but regretting it immediately from having pain shoot through my elbow and I cry out cradling my elbow again. Luke moves closer to me with a concerned face.

"What's wrong Rose?" 

"When I was leaving he um, pushed me down the stairs and I think I bruised my tailbone and hurt my elbow bad," I say wincing again at the constant pain now in my elbow.

"Do we need to go to the hospital Rose?" Luke asks and panic spreads through my body making me a little dizzy. If I went to the hospital the doctors would see the cuts. I shake my head quickly.

"No definitely not," I say still shaking my head. 

"At least let me see your elbow?" he asks. I sigh and pull up my sleeve exposing the cut scars and I gasp when I see my elbow, its an awful colour of sickly green and blue and swollen quite a bit.

"Yeah no Rose we are going to the hospital I'll get mom to drive us," he says and before I have time to argue he jumps up from the couch and out of the room.


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