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{Rose's P.O.V.} {edited}

Three days. Three fucking days until it was confirmed Luke was dead. It was 3 am, I was in the spare bedroom at Ashton's, crying. I wanted to relapse, I needed to feel the blade on my skin, see the crimson liquid run down my pale skin. I sobbed out loud by accident then covered my mouth, listening for movement in the house. Hearing silence I sighed and sat up in the bed, gripping the edge. 


No don't do it. 

But it will feel so good.

It won't achieve anything.

That was my conflict. I wanted to relapse for the pain and suffering I have caused and I didn't because I needed to stay strong. I heard light footsteps walking towards my door and I whipped my head up. I hastily got back into bed and pretended to be asleep. My door creaked open and a small voice reached my ears.

"Rose?" it asked. I recognized it as Harry, Ashton's younger brother.

"Rose I know you are awake. Are you okay I heard you crying," he says softly walking over to me. I roll over to face him, turning on the lamp beside the bed. He sits down beside me, wearing cute pajamas and his hair was sticking up in several different places.

"Why are you sad Rose?" he asks searching my eyes, and I sigh and wipe my tears.

"I'm sad because bad things have happened to me in the past. I'm also sad because of Luke, I want him to wake up." He leans on my shoulder taking me by surprise.

"You shouldn't be sad, someone as wonderful as you shouldn't be sad one bit." I smile at him, warmth filling my heart. He was just like his brother, sweet and caring. 

"Thank you, by the way why were you up? Its so late," I ask and he looks up at me.

"I had a nightmare, but I don't remember what it was now," he says eye brows furrowing in thought. I stand up grabbing his hand.

"Let's get you back to sleep," I say gently leading him to his room. I tuck him in and kiss him on the forehead before heading back to my room and going asleep.


Two days. Yesterday Luke showed no signs, I had lost almost all hope. I was sitting beside him talking to him, using the last fragment of hope I had.

"Luke, the boys told me you are in their band. They showed me a few of your covers on YouTube, and you have a beautiful voice, like it's angelic. I think that you are going to go far. And I say you ARE going to go far because I know you can wake up. You will wake up." I put my phone beside him and turn on what the boys said was his favorite song. I start humming along, but then I start singing quietly. Soon I am singing loudly, but not loud enough to be heard from the hallway. I think my voice is shit, but I enjoy singing. (A/N My favorite quote is " this is my song, I can't sing but I'll sing along) 

I close my eyes and sing the last note. It echoes around the room and then falls silent.

"You have a beautiful voice Rose," a dry raspy voice says. I whip my head at Luke. His eyes were half open and a weak grin spread across his face.

"LUKE!" I yell hugging him lightly, remembering his injuries. I didn't realize I was crying until I pulled away and he wiped a tear gently from my face. 

"Why are you crying, and why I am in a hospital bed?" he asks concerned. I laugh feverishly sitting down.

"Luke what do you remember?" He sits for a moment then realization flickers across his face.

"Was I... Was I hit by a fucking car?" he asks sitting up straight. I nod and his slouches back down.

"Luke you were in a coma for 5 days, they said that your brain could be dead," I say. He looks at me with surprise and I realize maybe I should tell someone he is awake. I walk up and peek out into the hallway, and see Liz walking down the hall with a cup of coffee. 

"HE'S AWAKE!" I yell excitedly at her. She stops, and drops her coffee. She runs past me into the room hugging Luke. 

"Get a nurse!" she yells at me. I get a nurse and she comes in with a doctor, both ecstatic about him being awake. They shoo us out of the room, needing to do checks to make sure everything is all right. We retreat to the waiting room, and I sit down beside Liz.

"How did he wake up?" she asks. I laugh shaking my head.

"It was weird actually, I put on some music and started singing along. When I was finished he complimented me on my singing and I freaked out," I say laughing.

"Your singing woke him up? Thank you dear," she says, and surprises me with a hug.

"I'll text the boys, they will want to know their best friend is awake." Liz nods and starts calling people on her phone.

Ash, he's awake tell the rest of the boys.

I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes. Everything was perfect for a moment. As quick as that moment came, it left when I heard a familiar voice snarl my name. I look up and catch eyes with the only person I didn't want to see. 

My father.


There a nice long update for you guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but it had to happen. By the way there will DEFINITELY be a sequel to this book. And I'm dedicating this chapter to @KaitlanFrancisDaly because she is so sweet and nice and shes AMAZING. Love you all, stay strong lovelies xx

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