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Beep. Beep, Beep. A sound that has been constant for an entire week now slowly coaxes me out of my slumber, and I peel my eyes open. The white light blinds me for a moment, pain shooting behind my eyes. I continuously blink, trying to get used to the light. When I do I glance around the room, becoming confused at the scene. I'm in a hospital bed, in a hospital room of course but I am alone. I try to sit up but pain shoots through my body and I scream out, laying still again. I hear footsteps and a frazzled looking Luke runs in and immediately hugs me causing me to gasp at the pain again. He jerks away, obviously realizing he hurt me.

"Wasn't this the opposite not too long ago?" I croak out, my voice course from not being used. He smiles faintly and lets out a chuckle, shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeah it was." I grin and try to move but it was too painful, so I lay still. Suddenly everything from last time I was awake comes flooding into my memory.

"Oh god," I whisper closing my eyes, trying not to cry. 

"I'm going to tell someone you are awake," he says softly, turning around. Before he gets too far I clamp my hand down on his wrist.

"My father, where is he, did they find him," I ask, analyzing his face. His face twists into guilt and something else, making his eyes darken and his features become cold for a moment. But that moment passes, as fast as it came and he shakes his head slightly features becoming solemn again.

"We can talk about that later," he whispers pulling my hand off his wrist and walking to the door. I sink into the hospital bed, and I taste the fear that courses through my chest. They didn't catch him, he's still out there somewhere. I fight breaking down again, I've cried enough in the past week to last me a lifetime. Luke walks back in the room with one of the doctors that I had become familiar with over the past week, his mother, the boys and to my confusion a police officer.

"Hello Rose, how ya feeling?" Ashton asks giving me a gentle hug making me wince. I smile weakly at him and let out a chuckle.

"Well a little sore, but other than that I think I'm okay." He smile and nods and I exchange hellos and hugs to everyone else. 

"Rose, unfortunately you will be in and out of here for the next month we think," the doctor says and I groan. He grins and continues.

"For good reason my dear, you have five broken ribs, and a large amount of bruising mainly on your torso." I nod and understand why it was painful trying to move. He rambles on more doctor language that I don't understand, and when he's finished he lets the cop who has been standing awkwardly by the door speak to me.

"Hi Rose, I'm Officer Booth, (A/N SORRY I WATCHED LIKE 50006 BONES EPISODES TODAY) and I would like to ask you a few questions about your father?" I nodded.

"Anything to help catch the bastard," I retort. He smiles and shakes his head. 

"But I have news that you may not enjoy," he says making the smile fade from my face. Liz looks like she's going to cry, and she ushers the boys out the door. I call out to Luke, and he sits down in the chair beside me and takes hold of my outreached hand. I nod at Booth, beckoning him to go on.

He takes a deep breath, "So the good news is you are free from your father from now on, but the bad news is we didn't catch him." I nod, already knowing that. I go to speak to Luke but Booth interrupts me.

"And there is some more bad news I am afraid, we searched your house, and we found your mother. We found your mother hanging, it looks like suicide." For like the millionth time this week I feel my throat tighten, warning for tears to come. I remember when I reached out for her, the pain in her eyes when she turned away. Luke rubs circles on my hand for reassurance. I shake my head, wiping a tear away from my cheek.

"Yeah, she never helped me anyway, she wasn't really a mother," I say voice wavering and Booth's eyes are filled with sympathy. 

"But that also leads us to the fact that you are now an orphan." I squeeze Lukes hand hard, dreading the fact that I have to go into the system.

"Ashton!" Luke yells causing me to jump, and Luke and Booth smile at me, making me suspicious. Everyone files back into the room except Michael and Calum, but this time to my surprise Mrs. Irwin walks in.

"We love having you around Rose, and since you seem to be dating my son I can't adopt you because that would be weird," Liz confesses smiling at me, then glancing over to Mrs. Irwin. I look at Luke and he smirks at me, causing me to giggle.

"I loved having you around Rose, you were so sweet and it was like a dream come true to have another set of helping hands so whaddya say, want to become Rose... Irwin?" she asks. My eyes widen and I grin ear to ear nodding my head enthusiastically.  

"I would love to," I say and Luke moves away from me giving room for Ashton and Anne to hug me.

"Welcome to family."


I KNOW THIS IS SO STUPID BUT IT HAS TO HAPPEN BC NEXT BOOK btw do you guys want the sequel? bc I dunno.


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