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{Rose's P.O.V.} {edited}

2 Months Later

Everything was finally getting back to where it was before, I was healed we were back in school and caught up and I had almost all together stopped stopped self harm. Ashton had made me flush my blades and actually having support from people really helped, Anne had gotten me therapy which was also helping a lot. Although I wasn't completely healed, that would be impossible in such a small period of time, I had nightmares a lot, when I woke up I would find either Harry or Ashton there comforting me, and my anxiety was still prominent but it was getting better with medication, everything was just looking up. Speaking of things looking up I had a date with Luke, and he was picking me up in about 5 minutes.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I still thought I didn't look that great but the outfit I was wearing makes me quite confident, and I smiled at my reflection.

"That's my girl," I hear from the door and I grin at Luke. He scoops me up bridal style and spins me around then sets me down and kisses me on the forehead. 

"You look beautiful Rose, just like always," Luke bubbled causing my cheeks to turn crimson. I hugged him, inhaling his scent.

"Now you two have to stay at least 8 inches apart at all times, you have to home by 10 and don't be late," I heard a shrill mocking voice and turned to see Ashton giggling by the door. I let go of Luke, and smile at him.

"Okay mom," I whine sarcastically. He giggles again and proceeds to hug me then points a finger at Luke.

"She's my sister now Luke hurt her and I'll rip your arm off." Luke laughs shaking his head, hugging me from behind and rests his chin on my head. 

"We'll be going now," I say breaking the silence and dragging Luke out of the house to his car.

He drives us to the movies and we see the newest scifi movie that was out and then we drive around town, admiring the beauty of it all. We were driving around a small patch of wilderness where you could barely see the city over the hill. I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"What's wrong beautiful?" he asks glancing over at me.

"Nothing, nothing at all Luke, everything is perfect," I say nuzzling more into him.

"You know if you weren't driving I would be on top of you right now," I giggle. Suddenly Luke slams on the breaks and pulls over causing my body to lurch against the seat belt. 

"I'm not driving," he states in the most serious tone.

A/N no its not the end of the chapter I just wanted to say I stole that from a book im not sure which one but I know it wasnt me.

Our lips crash against each other and I crawl onto his straddling him. We grind against each other the feeling becoming more intense, and our hands roam each others bodies until I feel his creep under my shirt and unclasp my bra. This goes on for a minute until I break away leaving us panting. He frowns and gives me a questioning look.

"I don't want my first time to be in a car Lukey," I whisper innocently. He smiles and nods understandingly and I scoot back to my seat. He starts driving to his house, and I don't bother re-hooking my bra straps because I know they will be unhooked again. I am satisfied when he pulls into the driveway and I see that his mom isn't home. We walk silently, the tension is overwhelming and I'm about to burst. I close the door and next thing I know I'm getting pressed up against it, his lips on mine. He picks me up and carries me to his bedroom, and he sets me down on the bed. He takes off his clothes until he is left with just his underwear and I follow his lead. He gets on top of me and runs his fingers over my scars.

"God, you're so beautiful you didn't deserve any of this. But you do deserve what will come next," he whispers smirking at me.


OOOOHHH THEY ARE DOIN THE FRICKLE FRACKEL if you wanted more detail sorry bud im 14 no thanks. Anyways I'm sad, this is the end of the book. 

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