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{Rose's P.O.V.} {edited}

"Nothing," I say pulling my sleeves over my hands and scooting away from him.

"No Rose I will not take this, that was not 'nothing.'" He says scooting closer to me. I go to get up to try and walk away but he gently takes hold of my wrist bringing my back, and I feel the knot in my throat warning of oncoming tears. He gently takes my sleeve in his hand pulls it up, shows the many scars on my arm. I look away trying to hold back tears, and I am completely taken aback when I feel a small drop of wetness fall on my wrist, and I look up to see Luke crying. That was it the last straw, I break out and let a few tears run down my face.

"Why?" he asks voice cracking. I ponder for a moment, then realize. It's probably all a big joke, he's a pretty good actor. Now people have more things to bully me about because no doubt he will tell all his friends about this. In this realization my face hardens, turning cold.

"Why do you care Luke, why? We have never talked at all before this, this is just a project we are doing together, and really why would it matter?" I ask wiping my tears trying to not embarrass myself even more.

"Because you are just as important in this world as everyone else and you don't deserve this," he says pointing at my arm. 

"Come here," he says opening his arms. I am hesitant because I barely know him, knowing this could all be but a joke, but I lean into him and cry into his chest anyways. He holds me, until the tears run out. It was an odd feeling, having someone seem like they care for you, I smiled taking in a deep breath.

"Promise never to do it again," he asks putting his chin on my head.

"It's not that easy but I'll try," I whisper into his chest. I look at the time and realize how late it has gotten, and how my father and mother will be home soon and if Luke is still here when my dad gets home things could get bad, worse than usual. I scoot away quickly, leaing a foot of space in between us.

"Oh my god Luke I'm so sorry, but you have to go." He looks at me confused.

"My dad is going to be home and-" 

"Say no more its fine. I'll text you okay?" he asks standing up. I stand up with him and nod walking him to the door appreciating even though he doesn't know what will happen but he still respects my decisions.

"Bye Luke."

"Bye Rose." 


REALLY SHORT UPDATE PLEASE DON'T MURDER ME and oh i wonder what will happen when Roses dad gets home????? o_0 WhO KnOwWsss

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