Chapter 13 - Mall Trips And Meetings

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Rissa's Pov

It's now Tuesday. 4 days since the whole fight happened. 4 days filled with breakdowns, sleepless nights, chick flicks, enough chocolate to last a month and about 800 declined calls from Jason. Well 786 to be exact but who's counting?

I've been through all the phases and now I just feel broken and confused. I know that I can't hide out here forever, even though Hayden is being a real sweetheart.

The thing is, I don't know what awaits me in the next few days. I don't know what I'm going to say to Drew, I mean how do I make this choice. Music has always been my life, my passion but I don't know if I could just leave everything I've ever known to go all that way for a dream.

A 'stupid failed dream'.

That's what Jason said. I know that there's something more to this whole thing that he's not telling me. The slip up he made during our fight is proof of that, but whatever it is doesn't give him the right to say shit like that to me.

We're meant to build each other up and support each other not insult each other's dream, or atleast that's what a boyfriend is supposed to do. I don't even know if I'm still going to have a boyfriend let alone his support if I go through with this.

And that's why I'm so scared to go out of this apartment. I know that once I'm back out there, I'll be out of my bubble of safety.  Jason has left me about 200 messages but I'm scared to play them in case one holds the words that he's breaking up with me.

Besides the 2 messages everyday to either Lexi or Justin letting them know that I'm fine, Hayden is the only person I've been in contact with and even then it's minimal communication.

He just got home from work a few hours ago and went straight to sleep. Once I sort out this whole incident I really need to help him out. Since Hailey left to college, he's been working himself to the bone without having his sister to keep him busy.

I grab my phone as I see it light up with another voice message from Jason. This one is 4 minutes long. Half of me wants to listen to it so badly but the other half, the scared half of me can't gather the courage.

I hear a knock on the door and Hayden calls out my name. "Come in," I yell. He opens the door, walking in and crosses his arms. "You're coming with me to the shop. Get dressed," he orders. I raise my eyebrow, "Uh no, I'm not."

"Rissa, it's been 4 days of no human contact but me! You need to get out of her before this room makes you crazy. So come start getting ready!"he says exasperated. "But I - " I start, but I'm cut off by him again. "No buts!" he says before leaving and closing the door behind him.

AHH! Why do I have to go now? At least I have Hailey's clothes or else I'd be going to the shop in sweatpants.
I dress up quickly not really caring about how I look, throwing on a pair of jeans and a hoodie.



e've been walking around the Mall for almost an hour and I already want to go home. I've never really been into shopping and I'm so tired. I have to admit though, Hayden is fun to shop with and this is the first time I've genuinely smiled and laughed since the fight.

As I'm cracking up about a joke that Hayden told me I hear a familiar voice call out my name. I spin around and see Jessica making her way towards me with a confused frown on her face.

"Uh hey Jess. How are you doing?" I say nervously.

Does she know about the fight? Jessica is Jason's 20 year old cousin. We've always gotten along really well but because she doesn't stay around here we hardly hang out even though she and Jason are quite close.

"I'm fine. Is Jase here too?" she asks looking around. I look down at the mention of him. So I guess she doesn't know about it. Do I tell her? Or should I just keep it between us?

"No, he's not. I'm here with Hayden," I say pointing to him.  "Hayden, this is Jessica, Jason's cousin, and Jess this is Hayden, a friend of mine."

"It's really good to meet you," she says smiling up at Hayden who is a good few inches taller then she is. "The pleasure is all mine," he says. Just then her phone starts ringing and she excuses herself to answer. "So that's Jessica then?" Hayden asks distracted. "Yeah," I say. I follow his line of sight to see what's got him distracted but the only thing, or well person, is Jess. No way! He's starting to like her! "Is she single?" he whispers as she hangs up her phone and start walking towards us. "We'll talk later," is all I say in reply.

"Sorry Ris, I have to get going but I'm going to be in town for a few weeks so I'm sure we'll meet up again. Byeee! Bye Hayden," she says giving me a hug and waving bye to my love struck friend.

"Come on loverboy, I want to go back to your place," I say, pulling him towards the exit. I really hope something will come out of this day besides the new stash of chocolate I've bought.


Heyy guys

Chapter 13 is up! Hope you guys enjoyed it!

New character alert! What did you guys this of Jessica?

Please vote and comment, I'd love to hear what you guys think!
Until next time..

Love you guys!


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