Chapter 18 - Senorita

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Jason's Pov

I awake to the bright rays of the sun streaming in through the drawn curtains. I stretch, turning over to Rissa's side. Expecting to see her gorgeous sleeping smile, I'm shocked to find her side of the bed cold and empty. Where is she?

I reach over for my phone and check the time. It's 9 o'clock in the morning. Wow, I slept for over 16 hours and I feel more rested then I've been in days.

I see a few missed calls from Justin and make a note to call him back later. He can wait for now, I want to go see what my gorgeous girlfriend is doing up.

I open the room door, heading towards the lounge and I can already hear the music coming through from the kitchen.


Rissa's Pov

"I love it when you call me senorita
I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya
But every touch is ooh la la la
It's true la la la

Ooh I should be running
Ooh you keep me coming for ya..."

I'm listening to Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello's song Senorita as I make breakfast, I'm just about done. I'm thinking of surprising Jason with breakfast in bed this morning.

I continue singing and dancing along to the song for a few more minutes. As the song plays, I decide that I should probably go wake up Jason so that he can go wash up and we can eat. I turn around and stop, shocked to see Jase casually leaning against the door frame watching me with a soft smile.

He walks over to me just as Shawn Mendes starts his part again. He holds out his right hand for me with a twinkle in his eye. I place my hand in his and his puts me close to him as the chorus starts playing around us. "Morning gorgeous," he says softly as he starts to spin us around as we start dancing to the song. I laugh surprised but very happily at the playful Jason that I'm seeing this morning.

This carries on until the end of the song. After which he kisses me, mouthing the words "Good morning, senorita" against my lips. "Morning Senor. I was actually just coming to wake you up. I'm almost done with breakfast," I say stepping back into his warm embrace, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Aw, is my princess in a cuddly mood today," he says smiling teasingly. "Shut up," I mutter in reply trying to hide the blush that's spreading across my cheeks as I try to step away.

He pulls me back into his arms and kisses the top of my forehead, "How about I go wash up while you finish up here, then we can have a day of just relaxing and cuddling in bed. We can watch movies, read or other things," he says wiggling his eyebrows. I can't help but laugh in reply. He is so sweet! "That sounds perfect! Now go, get ready quickly I'm almost done here!" I say laughing and pushing him slightly towards the kitchen door. I go back to humming and start getting out the plates as I hear the shower start.


All done, I think to myself setting down the cloth after cleaning up the counters. We had finished eating and I had decided to clean up before we start the movies. The microwave beeps alerting me that our popcorn is ready. I take it out putting it into a bowl and reach for out to taste one.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I hear Jase shout for across the hall walking over to me. I shake my head laughing before tossing a few in my mouth. "The movie is set and ready for us milady," he says in an accent. I laugh handing him the bowl of popcorn before grabbing 2 cans of cooldrinks for us and the chocolate sticks I had taken out for us. We walked towards our bedroom and I can't help but think of how happy I am to be back here.

I hate fighting with Jase but I have no doubt in my mind that making my decision on signing or not is going to be one rocky ride.

I place the things on my bedside before getting under the blanket with Jason. I look up at the TV but to my confusion I don't see a movie. I look towards Jase questioningly, who is still standing at the foot of the bed, after leaving his load from the kitchen on the round table in the corner of our room for later.

"Um what are we watching, babe?" I ask curiously. He just stands their with a smile that screams that his hiding something and it's only then that I notice his hands hidden behind his back. "And what are you hiding?"

"So the thing is, I couldn't decide on a movie for us to watch so I came up with a plan," he says walking towards me. "Hmm, and that plan is what exactly?" I ask curiously. In reply his hands finally come out from hiding, bringing with them one of his caps What does his cap have to do with watching movies? It's only as he brings it closer do I start to figure out what the plan is, as I see a bunch of folded pieces of papers. "It has all of our favorite movies in it, action, romance, mystery and even a few musicals and Disney movies, since you like them so much. I was thinking it would be perfect to pick out movies for a full on movie day. Unless of course you have a specific movie in mind," he says, sounding a little nervous at the end. I love how sweet he is!

"Aw Jase! No, I think this is such an amazing idea! I love you!" I exclaim before leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"I love you too princess," he says reaching out and tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "So who's going to be picking first?" I ask. He chuckles before thrusting out the cap towards me, "That would be you."

I smile before reaching into the cap and taking out the first one my fingers touches. "Let's see what we're watching first," I say opening up the paper.

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