Chapter 1 - The Video

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Rissa P.O.V

"JASON GIVE THAT BACK TO ME RIGHT NOW!!!" I shout to my amazing but oh so annoying boyfriend. Meanwhile Lexi and Justin are laughing and filming me chase Jase around, trying to get my phone back.

Ok, so let me fill you in. Jason Carter as I said previously is my boyfriend, we've been together for about 4 and a half years now but we've known each other for just over 5 years. Yes, we're that cliche best friends to lovers story. And Justin and Lexi? Well their story is also quite cliche...

Alexis is and always has been one of my best friends (along with Jase of course) and Justin well he's my cousin who I basically take as a brother (since I'm an only child and we're so close). So for the two of them it's pretty much being the 'my best friend's brother cliche. Now it's the 4 of us and we are the closest bunch of friends you'll ever find. Ok, back to the present...

"Ris, if you're not going to show them then I am!" Jase says laughing, holding my phone out of reach. "Bro, I'm all for annoying Rissy but if it's anything like 'that' then I don't want to see it!" Justin says awkwardly. What does he mean 'that'? Wait! Ewww!! "JUSTIN! NOOO! WHY WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" I shout. This just has Jase and Lexi laughing even harder. "And Lexi, what happened to sisters before misters? Help me out here!" I try to convince her. "Yeah, sorry Rissa but I really want to see this. On second thought nope, I'm not sorry!" she says through her giggles.

I might as well give in. I mean it's not like it's anything bad. I just didn't want them to hear it as yet. "Jase?" I call out as I stop running. He turns to me curiously,"Yeah babe?"

"It's fine, I give in. You can show them." The smile he gives me in reply is the same that made me fall for him all those years ago and he comes over gives me a hug before pressing play so that the others could hear.  I close my eyes and listen to myself singing the song that I took me ages to write and perfect. I've never sang this one in front of them before. It's the one I'm most proud of and most personal since it's about Jase and I.

When I sang it for him, just a few days ago. He was so excited that I couldn't even believe it. I remember how he used to constantly beg me to share it with him while I was still writing it and the constant pressure I had put on myself to perfect this one in particular. At first I couldn't even look at him too scared that he wouldn't like it but when I finally gathered the courage to look up I was surprised at what I saw. Jason was staring at me with so much love in his eyes. And the few tears in his eyes made me love him even more. I think that's what made that moment so special to me. After I had sang the last note, he wasted no time in pulling me into his arms and kissing me. And when we pulled apart he whispered those special words against my lips for the first time. I Love You. I'd known that what we have was and still is special but to have this confirmation made my feelings all that much more clearer and I didn't even have to think as I said them back, whilst kissing him once again.

Now here we are with Justy and Lexi hearing it for the first time. I hear the ending notes and turn to hide my face against Jase's chest. Even though Jase loved it I still value their opinions (a lot) and I'm worried that they might not like it.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear Lexi squealing and Justin clapping. I turn around sheepishly and see Lexi rushing to me with her arms wide open. I laugh, returning her hug. "Oh My God Rissa! That was so awesome!" She shrieks. Justin comes next, enveloping me in one of his famous bear hugs. "Rissy, I am so so proud of you!"he says. By now I'm smiling so hard that it's beginning to hurt, but for once I don't care. They love my song. A song that I wrote.

After several attempts of changing the topic I finally succeed. And we move onto discussing our plans before next semester starts. Before long it's time for Jase and I to go back to our apartment. We say our goodbyes and leave.

Our trip back is silent with the only noise the radio. It's been a long day and I'm so tired. There's only 3 weeks left before we start again. This is going to be my last year and then it's out into the real world. Getting a job and soon after that comes family and all that. Wow time really is moving fast. A little too fast. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the feel of a hand holding mine. I snap out of my daydream of what's hopefully my future and see that we've already reached home. It's a good thing we stay so close to them. Jason's free hand cups my cheek and with a quizzical look he asks "Ris, what's going on in that head of yours? You look as if your trying to find the answer to world peace!" I laugh in reply grabbing his hand. I give him a peck on his cheek, "Don't worry about it baby. Let's just go inside."


Heyy guys! So first chapter is finally out after months of planning and writing and waiting!

I really hope you'll enjoyed! Vote and comment! I'd love to know what you guys think!

I will be updating every Monday so stayed tuned for more Rissa and Jason in chapter 2...

LSMusicLover 💜

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