Chapter 6 - So Clueless Yet Cute

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I'm so excited! The day is finally here! AJ just messaged Jase and told him that he's coming over soon with the contract. I mean I knew that this was going to happen soon but now that the contract is ready it all just seems so real!

"And what are we smiling about? Me?" Jase asks as he sits down beside me. I turn toward him and see him smiling down at me. "I'm just thinking about AJ and-"

"Wait, you're smiling because you're thinking about my cousin?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow. "No, I was thinking of -" I try to explain but he keeps interrupting me. "What? Thinking of how good he looks? How compared to him you don't like me? Or maybe how you would rather-" I stop him by covering his mouth with my hand. How dare he say that! Does he really think that I'd be thinking and feeling that!

"Don't you dare say another word Jason Carter! You can say anything but don't question my feelings for you! You know damn well how I feel for you, so don't you dare -" I say firmly, only to be cut off again. "Huh? And how do you feel?" he scoffs. How did we end up in this conversation! He is so infuriating! "I FREAKING LOVE YOU YOU DUMBASS!" I shout.

"Woah Rissa, I mean I know you can't help your love for me but you don't have to shout," he says calmly, now smirking. Wait what? "But I-You?" I am completely lost. He laughs and leans over, leaving a kiss on my forehead, "I love you too princess." "Aren't you angry?" I ask confused. "And that's what I love about you. So clueless yet cute. I was just messing with you. I wanted to hear you say it again," he explains.

"Say what? That I love you?" I check with him already knowing that I'm right. "Yesss Rissa Singh! I love you and I love hearing you say that." he says looking away slightly. Oh my sweet prince! He's getting embarrassed! I grab onto his hand that is between us and raise it to my lips. "Well you didn't have to go through all of that because I am proud and happy to say it as many times as you want me to," I kiss his knuckles before saying those 3 words over and over, kissing a different part of him before each. Until finally I got to his lips which were smiling his infamous smile that even after all these years still makes my heart skip a beat and I'm just about to kiss him when he stops me. "I love you and all the crazy things you do because every crazy thing you do makes me fall even more crazy in love with you," he finishes softly as he leans in and connects our lips.

We pull away and I can't help the wide grin that spreads across my face. Jase grabs the remote and starts flipping through the channels before looking at me and asking," So what were you saying earlier before all this started?" I can't remember! Not after that crazy thing! "Uh, what were we talking about?" I ask sheepishly. He chuckles before reminding me about AJ.

"Oh yeah, I guess I just can't believe it's all finally happening. I mean I never believed that my dream could actually become a reality, but here we are and it's right here!" I tell him. He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. "Well Rissa your dreams are about to come true. I always knew that you were destined for greatness! I -" He's cut off by the doorbell. "Seriously! I never get a break do I," he says jokingly. I laugh and get up heading over to the door. It must be AJ!

I'm proven right when I open the door and see him smiling at me with those sunglasses that's forever on his face in public. I laugh and give him a hug, greeting him before inviting him jn and losing up again. "Hey Drew, how you doing?" Jase greets him, as they do their crazy handshake. "Man, it's been crazy. Being in charge of all these stars is like babysitting brats who always get their way!" he exaggerates as he takes a seat in the sofa opposite Jase.

I turn around, about to go to the kitchen to get something to drink for us all when I'm stopped by a hand on my shoulder. "Go sit and chat with Drew, babe. I'll go get us some coke,"Jase says. I peck his cheek and make my way over to the sofa where Jase and I had been sitting. "So what crazy thing has one of them done today?" I ask. He groans before starting the story. "Aiden! God! That boy is going to make me turn gray! He was pulling another tantrum today. And guess why? Because he didn't have enough 'fluffy' pillows in his hotel room. And he already had 5! For just him!" I guess he really is a brat! I mean he is still young but he's 19 years old. He should know when not to do these things! "Woah! That's madness! I don't know how you deal with all of this AJ!" I said in disbelief.

"Atleast I know that my newest and soon to be greatest star won't do all this to me!" he says with a mischievous expression. "Who?" I ask. I hear a chuckle from behind me and I turn to see Jase coming towards us with 3 cans of coke on his hands. He tosses one to AJ and hands me mine as he sits down. "What's so funny, Jase?" I ask. He takes a sip and says, "Nothing princess, I just love how clueless you can be at times. He was talking about you." "Who was talking about me?"

"I was. But I phrased it wrong, my soon to be newest and future greatest star. Which reminds me - I have to go get something from the car. I'll be right back ok?" AJ says leaving his can on the table and getting up. We nod in acknowledgement as he heads to the door. I think back on what Jase just said, I can't believe it!" You're in an extremely happy mood today, was has you smiling now? AJ again?"Jase teases.

I look at him so happy that I have him."That's the first time you used the L word in front of someone else. I mean I know it's a silly reason to be this happy and all but it just -" I sigh unable to express the immense love for him that I'm feeling in this moment. I've known this boy for almost 6 years and we've been dating for around 5 years and at times I still can't believe that I can call him mine.

"It's not silly Ris, I completely get you. Saying it feels better every single time! I love you so freaking much! And saying it in front of someone else just makes it so much greater!" he says gazing into my eyes. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a tight embrace. This is right here is where I feel at home, right here in his arms.


Hey guys!

September is here and it's been over a month since I started uploading this book and I can't believe time flown by so quickly!

Thank you to everyone reading this book! I appreciate you'll taking the time and I really really hoped that you'll enjoyed this chapter!

As usual, like and comment. I'd love to hear from you guys!

Stay tuned for the Chapter 7, next Monday!

Love you guys!

LSMusicLover 💜

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