Chapter 22 - Can't Afford To Risk It

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Rissa's Pov

Lexi and I continued our catch up session for a bit while the boys decided to treat us with pizza for lunch. Finally we are all sitting in the lounge, Lexi and I on one couch and Justin and Jason the other.

"You know I never did tell you how happy and proud I am of you," Lexi tells me smiling. "For?" I ask. "For the Record Label, AJ and getting signed ! I always knew you could do it!" she says excitedly.

I glanced quickly at my darling boyfriend and make sure that his attention is not on us before replying softly, "Thank you so much, Ally! It's still all so crazy and unbelievable!the only thing is, well ... " I trail off as my mind wanders off to the issue regarding the record label.

"The only thing is that you'll have to move away," she says quietly. "Ris, you know that if you decide to go, we're not going to be upset or anything. Yeah, sure we're going to miss you like crazy but it's not like it's forever plus if you think I'm not going to come visit you then you're crazy!" she says.

I now know why Jason reacted the way he did and it's probably wrong to bring it up now that we're all good but I can't help but let it swirl through my mind. "Lexi, I haven't even told my parents yet or Kyle or any of the others. What if they get mad like Jase did? I mean yeah you're okay with it, and I'm sure Jase is going to be okay with it eventually if I do decide to go but Justin hasn't even said a word about it yet," I tell her.

She sighs before taking my hand in hers,"Ris, we love you. We only want what's best for you and for once you need to stop thinking about what's best for everyone else and think about yourself. This is your dream, your chance, your life and it's your decision to make for you!" I reach out giving her a hug. Lexi has always been my best friend for as long as I can remember and she's grown into more of a sister.

"And why aren't we involved in this group hug?" I hear Justin say as we pull apart. I roll my eyes and laugh as Lexi tells him to let us have our girl time!

"Anyway, Justin and I were just talking about how we should all go out somewhere this weekend. What were you guys talking about?" Jase asks.

No, I don't want Jase to know that we were talking about the record deal. Things just got normal and okay between us, I don't want to risk staring another fight.

"Well I was just talking to Rissa about her decision and how she needs to think about herself and what she wants," Lexi says before I can stop her. "What decision?" asks Justin, as Jase shoots me a questioning look. Lexi opens her mouth to answer but I cut her off, "My decision on which mall Lexi and I are going to go to, to have some girl time! Right Lex?"

I turn and give her a pleading look to which she turns to the others forcing out a laugh, "Yes, I mean we seriously need a girls day out!"

I look down at my phone to avoid her questioning gaze, wow it's already 6 in the evening!

"Hey guys, any thoughts on what you'll want for supper? It's already 6!" I ask them.

"What?! It's 6!" exclaim both Lexi and Justin looking at each other. "Yeah, why what's wrong?" I ask them confused. I turn to Jase who is watching them with an equally confused look etched on his face.

I see Justin and Lexi watching each other carefully as if having a silent conversation before Lexi nods softly. Justin let's out a breath before finally filling us in, "No it's just that Lexi and I have reservations for 7:30, but don't worry about it. We can go another day."

What? No, I already disrupted their lives enough, I don't want them to cancel their plans for me, well us, now. It seems that Jase, is thinking the same thing when he quickly says," No, why would you cancel your plans! We've got tons of time to spend together, go out. You'll need your couple time too. Plus I wouldn't mind having my baby all to myself for a few hours before we sleep," he ends off looking at me lovingly.

"Uh, way too much information bro , that is my sister you know," Justin says. "Not in that way idiot," Jase says groaning before laughing.

"Are you sure? I mean it's great hanging out with you'll but," Lexi trails off. "Yess, go guys! Have fun! We'll spend plenty of time together!" I say urging them to go on the date, "Now go get ready! You'll don't want to be late," I say laughing.

They stand up and we bid them goodbye, promising to make some plans to hang out in the next few days.

I'm so excited to spend time with them but I can't help but wonder if this is the last few times we're going to spend like this. I mean it might be if I decide to go. I need to figure out what I want to do about this whole decision.

After we lock up  I lean against Jason, yawning. "Sorry, I guess the day tired me out. We won't be able to do that much tonight," I say apologetically." Babe, you don't have to apologize. How about we go eat and then we can watch an episode or 2 of Shadowhunters in bed before sleeping?" he offers lovingly. "That sounds perfect, " I say leaning up to kiss him.

"I'll be right back okay, I need to go to the bathroom, " Jase says a little while after. I see Jase walk into our room and I hear the bathroom door close. I grab my phone dialing his number. I feel bad hiding this from Jase, but I can't afford to risk another fight.

"Hey, it's Rissa," I say when he answers. "Hey Ris, how are you doing?" he asks. "I'm okay, I actually need to speak with you," I say quietly. "Yeah sure, I can swing round to your place tomorrow?" "No! I, I need to see you alone, without Jase knowing," I say softly, I already feel the guilt starting to build but I'm forced to do this.

"Rissa, is everything okay? Why-" he asks concerned. "Yes, just please? I'll explain tomorrow," I plead. I hear him sigh before agreeing to meet me at the coffee shop around the corner. "Thank you, I'll see you then," I say before hanging up.

I throw my phone to the side, I hate keeping secrets from Jase but after what happened the last time, I don't want to risk getting into another fight when we just made up and I have to do this.


Hey guys!

I know it's been forever, I'm so so sorry... Things have been super crazy...

So firstly HAPPY NEW YEARS! 2020 is finally here!

Hope you'll enjoyed the chapter and there is one change that is going to be happening. I'm sorry to say but I will no longer be doing weekly Monday updates.. I will still be updating fairly regularly just maybe once every 2 weeks or so...

So stay tuned for more Rissa and Jase...

Thank you so much for reading!

Love you guys!


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