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I just got back home from school.

Tired, worn out and with my hair unruled.

I have oil stains from the lunch decorating my shirt 

And I lie in my bed with no intention to move.

Suddenly, I hear my phone ring 

And it must be the customer care, I think.

(Fun fact, my customer care calls four times a day. They really do care).

Then I see the name flashing on the screen,

'Ghisi Ben calling...' it reads.

I pick up the phone a little too excitedly

And then we start talking,

It has been 42 minutes ever since.

And I would like you to not judge me

For a phone call this long

'Cause it is my Nani (Grand Maa) on the line and Imma talk.

In the duration of the phone call 

Nani and I have planned a Goa trip

which includes bikini selfies.

And she is now telling me stories from when I was little.

Like how my cousins and I would go around, up and down the house.

From teekon to Lal Chat to Baramda and back to the chowk downstairs.

My Summers were literally just about Jumping, running and laughing everywhere, she says.

The stories make me laugh and cry,

Both at the same time.

Then, I throw a tantrum about wanting to see Nani soon.

I tell her how I miss her world class Gulab Jamuns.

Because, I really do.

(Honestly, My Nani deserves a Masterchef hat)

I am so sure she has a magic wand. 

I mean her powers are astonishingly magical!

Speaking of Magic and supernatural abilities,

I will tell you about Nani's Ultra intelligence capabilities,

You sit down and watch a crime show with her 

And she will tell you who the murderer is Even before, the show begins.


Do not watch C.I.D. with my Nani.

She always knows what is wrong before, ACP Praduman has the chance to rotate his hand in a motion,

That is comparable to opening a tight walve,

And tell Daya that something is wrong.

Listening to her voice over the phone call 

I think of the all things I have learned from her.

The first is Bravery,

Did I tell you about the great monkey infestation and terror attack in my maternal neighbourhood?

Well, my Nani would chase away all the monkeys singlehandedly with a Cane of wood.

While the rest of us hid inside the rooms like a bunch of cowardly goons.

This my friends was how I learned bravery.

She has also taught me small things of great importance,

Like how good food can bring about great conversations.

And also, Big things of small importance,

Like how I should believe and support my own dreams,

No matter how foolish they might seem.

And by teaching me all of this,

She has made me into a person I otherwise, wouldn't be.

She has faith in my abilities,

She belives me when I say that one day I shall write fat books.

Her faith is what keeps me standing in front of the world.

I don't know how I would have learned about being the perfect kind of woman if it hadn't been for her.

All that said,

Don't you think that the world is doing me a great injustice?

They let me see her only once every year.


In her presence,


In her absence,

The essence of her teachings always remains within me.

I know,

She is strong and She is tough.

Has raised five children and showered them with unconditional love.

The kind of love that needs all strength you can give to it.

And so I also like to believe,

That someday I shall be able to be like her.

I love you Nani.

I love you SO MUCH.

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