My teachers kept telling me all year that this one I would have to enter the real world.
Everytime I heard them say this, I would think about how I am not prepared to give up the comforts of my small world to go into the real one, too attached to this place to accept change, but I would then also think about how I also kept wanting to run away from this small world to a whole different one.
Right now,
I don't know,
I don't know who I am and what I want.
I don't know what it is, the real world or the small world I want to be a part of.Or maybe,
Right now,
I know,
I do know,
but I am just too afraid to say my rejection for the small or real worlds, and too weak to shout my passion for the big and imaginary one.Lol, now I realise. What I wanted was never the conundrum, how I would I ever get it is the real problem.