Dear Joon,
You made me a better person.
Not too long ago,
I used to feel hopeless a lot
so much that,
I would forget
how to think of myself.
I would forget
what my name was
and just where did I come from,You helped me out from there.
I took your name as mine while looking for the meaning in the one that was my own.
And I know,
You would think calling yourself the 'Pornesian Parrapieo' couldn't solve your problems
but, for me it did.
Things became so much more easier
(Yes that's two comparative degrees for the same adjective in the same sentence. a.k.a it's a superlative)
I never knew what it was,
The name
Or the essence of your persona in the name,
that had me feel better.
But, I just knew that it had me feel better.
I was never the best student in my class
I was just okay, I guess.
But, the legend of your high IQ moulded me into a Ravenclaw.
I have been doing my best now.
Your amazing thoughts diverted my thinking onto a different path
Which is a nice thing 'cause I think of deeper and nicer shit now.
The meaning in the words you say elucidate the purpose of my life
and that friend, means the world on my side.
Thank you a lot for that.
I am very clumsyI keep losing a hold on things or lose the things I am holding,
This used to make me feel like an inconvenience to every single person around me.
But, note to you, I feel slightly better about the situation
For now I know that it is possible to not be graceful and still be elegant.
That changed my perspective and made me positive towards myself more.
It changed my life.
Thank you. Thank you. ALOT.
Dear King seokjin,
You made me a happier person.
I used to feel sad a lot
so much that once I forgot how to laugh.
But, you got me,
Your amazing dad jokes followed by that windshield wiper laugh,
Made me Laugh My Fat Ass Off.
It's unbelievebubble
how my diaphragm still remembers to contract and make those absurd rhythmic noises, even though it has been out of practice for a long time now.
And my eyes too still remember how to shine.
They have a tinge of felicity in them,
just because YOU made a joke.