Somedays, I would just look out the bus window and recite whole Benaim, Gibson, Kaye and Kay poems like other people hummed their favourite songs.
Somedays, when I looked at the kindergarteners, I would see in metaphors of freedom like other people saw in noise and nuisance.
Most days, I would read in the staircases as I walked to lunch like other people talked and laughed the whole way up.
All days, I would light up at the mention of library like other people did when the teacher said play ground.
Each day, I would feel like an alien, Seeing people laugh at inside jokes I will never know.
Today, I was wondering if I would be able to belong like them if I posted more of my face on Instagram and not my words anymore.
Right now, I am thinking about how I want to be accepted as I am more than I want to be approved as I am not and I think Tommorow, this thought is all that will matter.