Drawbridge your soul and I'll be your moat.

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A/N: I wrote this poem for a friend on her birthday (Jan 30). I had another friend review it who told me many people might do well reading a part of this poem. So just this once I'll believe my friend's faith in my word and post a poem that I wrote for a particular  person in hopes that it might help someone who may need to hear this.


A letter to Drashti, 

By - Jellyfish 

Age 17

Dear Drashti,

As I sat down to write this to you,

I began thinking from the beginning to see just where we as in 'us' happened


do you know what I realised?

We started out in a place that we both abandoned together to go on and walk a little different paths.

Paths so different and yet so similar.

Yes, I'm talking about math class that we both met in and dropped out of to learn Computer science and Physical education instead.

We set out with dreams,

Me, wanting to create the tune out of the words that come out of my soul through the curves I make with my hands - poems.

You, wanting to create the tune out of the words that come out of the way you breathe in air and breathe out your sweet voice - Music.

You and I are so different and yet so much the same

It's probably why I resonate so much with you,

I see it when people just condemn and shut you out for being you


I know what being shut out for who I am feels like so I'll say this to you:

Do not tap on the windows of those that shut their doors in your face.

Do not sing your song for those who did not listen to your voice when you tried to tell them your story.

Do not let open your drawbridge for them - these people do not deserve an entry to your colourful city baby, they deserve to die out in the lethal moats protecting it.

If you're wondering where your moat is - I'm here.

I'll set my crocodiles out on anyone trying to do you harm. Just, don't let your drawbridge out.

I mean,

What is your crime anyway?

You refuse to change yourself to fit into this world,

I admire how this world changes itself to let you fit into it.

Drashti you're, different and people are resistant to ANY change so much that even, Amitabh Bacchan in gurukul did not like 'parivartan' - true.

But, new experiences come wrapped in packets of change and people unwilling to open the wrapper will never get a taste.

What I'm saying is you're different,

and the only thing this absolutely means is that YOU ARE SPECIAL.

You will be shut out and not accepted as much

But here's the catch: You don't have to be accepted.

It may get lonely a bit trying to be yourself but never wear a mask when making a friend.

The right ones will always open their doors even before you rap on their windows.

The right ones will always listen to your stories even if you did not have a song in the end.

The right ones will never realise your place has a moat for their warmth alone will pull out your drawbridge and let them in into your colourful city.

You deserve all the warmth in this world.

You deserve all the colourful cities in this world.

You deserve all that you would like to have in this world.

You deserve.

No one's stopping you.
Go on, go out,

Live that dream.

Yours Sincerely,

One right one.


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