DNA Testing

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"ALYSSA ERIN AVERY! GET DOWN HERE!" I hear my mom yell.

"For Christ's sake, what?" I groan walking down the short flight of stairs.

"I need you to spit in this tube." She says handing me a tube. "Up to here please."

"Are you kidding me?" I say locking my phone and giving her an odd look.

"What! You may have siblings we didn't know about! Or cousins, and we can find your ethnicity and other cool stuff!" She tells me really excited.

"Fine." I roll my eyes but smile. I take the tube back to my room and work on it. When I'm done I give it back to her and she puts a top on it.

*the following morning*

We stop at the post office to send off the tubes. Then head to school. When we get there I meet my friends. I throw my bag down and sit next to them.

"Throwing things is against the rules, Avery." Tiffany says. I roll my eyes and put my head in my hands as I push my hair back.

"What happened?" Grace asks scrolling through Pinterest.

"My mom made me spit in a tube and she sent it off to get my DNA tested." I say.

"And that's a problem because?" Tiffany questions.

"Because, the first thing she said was 'secret relative'. And now I'm praying I'm somehow related to Jack Avery or Shawn Mendes or someone famous." I say. "It's not a bad thing, it's just. I'm excited and I know I'm gonna be let down."

"Hon, you never know. You could be related to Harry Styles!" Tiffany says. I roll my eyes and laugh at her. Grace does the same.

"God, that would be something out of a fan fiction." Grace laughs.

"There's a new story idea, Tiff." I tell her. We laugh as the bell rings. We head to our different classes and the day begins.

I spend the day wondering what life would be like being related to someone famous. I know I'm not my mom's child. The only reason I know is because I've seen my birth certificate and honestly, It's kinda sketchy.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now