1 Month Later

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"Allie! The tests are back!" My mom says walking into my room.

"Mom! I'm naked!" I yell Trying to cover my body with my hands.

"I gave birth to you, I changed you, I've bathed you. Nothing I haven't seen." She says as I grab my towel and cover up, my mom laughs and continues. "Look!"

I take the phone from her hand.

Cousin- Jack Avery

An image of THE Jack Avery, with his smiling face was there right next to it.

"Is this some sick joke?" I look at my mom. As shakes her head no. "OH SHIT!" I scream jumping up and down. I screen shot it and send it to myself. I get my phone and send the screen shot to Tiffany and Grace on our group chat called 'biTCHes'.

Tiffany calls me emidietly.

"WHAT IS THAT?" She yells.

"IM RELATED TO JACK AVERY!" I yell back. We scream and Grace joins the call.

"Jesus, what the hell?" Grace says at the noise.


"the guy from that band she is obsessed with?" Grace questions.

"YES!" Me and Tiffany screams.

"OH MY GOD!" Grace screams freaking out. "YOUR RELATED TO SOMEONE SEMI-FAMOUS!"


"HE KINDA IS." Tiffany screams back.

"WHY ARE WE STILL SCREAMING?!" Grace screams to us confused.

"I DON'T KNOW!" I scream back. We start laughing and calm down. I look around my room and find my mom gone. "I gotta go. I have some shit to do."

"Okay, we need to get to together to celebrate." Tiffany says.

"Of course. Love you girls. Bye!" I say.

"Love you too! Byeeee!" They tell me as I hang up the phone. I throw my hair up in a towel, throw on some clothes and run down stairs.

"Mom?" I question running into the kitchen. I see she's on the phone.

"Yes.......of course.......Yes! Thank You!" She says and hangs the phone up. I give her a questioning look. "I just got you a meeting with Jack Avery."

My jaw drops. "H-how?" I stuttered.

"I'm a mom, I have secret mom powers." She winks. "Go pack, we leave for LA tomorrow morning."

I rush back upstairs and pull my suitcase out of my closet and check the weather. I pack a week's worth of clothing and smile to myself knowing that I would soon be meeting my cousin.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now