10 Months

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It's been more than a year that I've been living with my brothers and their friend...and my boyfriend. My leg is back and functioning. I finally got my prosthetic a week ago. I was so annoyed with the company, but ya know. I wanted it to look real if you looked at my calf. So I can finally drive myself again!

My birthday is tomorrow. I finally turn 18. I haven't told anyone. My two best friend know and they are coming to town today, they leave the day after tomorrow. I made them swear to secrecy.

I was on my way to pick them up from airport when I got a call from my mom. My adoptive mom. I press the answer button on the phone since it was on Bluetooth and playing my music.

"Happy early birthday!" She tells me.

"Thanks mom." I laugh at her.

"Are you going to have a party?" She questions me.

"No, you know I don't do parties." I tell her turning my signal on to switch to the right lane. "But Grace and Tiff are coming out."

"Does your boyfriend know?" She asks as I speed up to get ahead of a car that's blocking me from switching lanes.

"No," I start. But the person speeds up cutting my off. "Asshole, sorry mom. I'm driving, some asshole won't let me get over."

"It's okay, be safe. You should tell Daniel, he's gonna get sad if he missed your birthday." She tells me. I slow down to go behind the car, but they slow down blocking me.

"Oh my god! Let me get over!" I yell at the driver. My mom laughs. "Is this funny to you?"

"Yeah, you sound like me when I drive." She laughs.

"My exit is the one coming up. I have to get over." I say. I step on the gas and st way ahead of this asshole. I get over to my exit and the guy starts to follow me. "Mom, can I call you back later? This guy is following me and I have a bad feeling about this."

"Alright Allie, just be careful." She tells me.

"Will do. Love you mom." I tell her looking in my rear-View mirror.

"Love you too. Let me know what happens."

"Will do captain." I say. She hangs up and I turn right. The guy follows me and I am done with this guy. I pull into the nearest parking lot and he does too. He gets out of his car and I do to.

"What is your problem?" I ask him. He looks shocked to see who I am.

"I-I'm sorry. If I knew you were Alyssa Avery, I wouldn't have done that." He says stunned.

"How about you don't do that to anyone. It's rude and inconsiderate. I could have had someone with an injury in the back seat of my car and I would have been trying to get them to hospital. Think before you do stupid shit like that." I say half yelling at him. "And now, I'm going to be late to the airport to pick up my friends. Thank you so much." I tell him sarcastically. I get back in my car and drive off. I looked at him one last time, he still hadn't gotten in his car and was just standing there.

When I finally get to the airport, I pull up to the side and text them where I am. I see them walk out the doors and I jump out my car to be met with a lung crushing hug.

"Can't breath!" I tell them. We all laugh and pull away.

"Look who's back on two feet!" Grace tells me.

"One foot actually." Tiffany corrects her.

"Bitch." I tell her. We all laugh knowing nothing has changed between us. We get in the car and head home.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now