Little Backyard House

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It's now 11am and we are all piling up in the car. Corbyn was driving and Jack was sitting next to him in the passenger seat. I say behind Corbyn and next to me say Zach. Jonah and Daniel sat behind me and Zach. We pull out of the drive way and turn the radio on.

"I wish we all could have seen her reaction." Zach says looking back at Jonah, the others do too.

"She looked stressed! I was trying to help!" Jonah defends himself.

"It did help. And I am very grateful. Thank you, boys." I announce to them. Zach grunts and turns back around and we all laugh at how childish he is being.

Our first stop was the court so that Jack and/or Jonah would be my legal guardian(s). Once we arrive, everyone gets out except me. They all seem to be waiting for me to get out. I open my door and clear my thought. I hear a couple of 'oh yeahs' slip from the boys mouth. Jonah gets my wheel chair from the back as Jack and Corbyn start to help prep me to get in the wheel chair. When Jonah gets the chair in position they get ready to lift me.

"On three." Jack tells Corbyn. Jonah is holding the wheel hair in place as Jack and Corbyn each hold me by my arms. Daniel rushes over to grab my leg in the cast to help take some of the weight off.

"One...two...three." Jack says. They all lift me and I can feel them about to drop me. Zach looks on in horror as Daniel moves one of his hands to my butt and they easily get me in the chair. My face goes bright red as Jonah and Jack glare at Daniel. Zach starts laughing and Corbyn walks away awkwardly not wanting to get in the middle of a fight.

No one says a word. I start pushing myself into the building and the other follow in. We were all aware of where Daniel had placed his hand and we all got into the elevator in silence. Zach hits the floor we need to go to. We go up one floor and I start laughing. Soon the boys join in the laughter. The doors open and we start to get out.

Jonah places a hand on Daniels back and laughs, "Just don't do that again."

We wall down the hall, everyone smiling, and get to the door. The door opens and we go in. My arms start to hurt and begin to shake. Daniels the only one to notice and starts pushing me. I look up at him and smile. He smiles back.


After we got Jack and Jonah to be my legal guardians we went to our next stop, the store. The boys took me out to see the mini house in the backyard, and I love it. I've already decided that the room, which is supposed to be a bed room, I'm going to turn it into a music studio/room.

We do our new routine of getting me out of the car, but now I take a blanket and cover my legs. The only reason we didn't cover my legs at the court is because we had a less chance of being recognized, than at the the store. Jonah pushes me first and we head to the bed room stuff. I pick out a cute cover for a bed, a twin size bed. I didn't want a big bed because I didn't have to share it with anyone.

Later, Jack pushes me to the kitchen stuff and we get some really cute stuff.

Zach takes me to get outside and bathroom stuff.

Corbyn takes me to get indoor extra stuff like rugs and lamps and such.

Daniel takes me around the store one last time to pick up some extra stuff that I like.


We get back home and it's 6pm. We load the bags and bags of stuff into the mini house. The boys collapse on the couch and I laugh at them. The night is over quickly and we all head to bed.


In the morning we start setting things up in my mini house. I order the boys around on where to put stuff. When we finish, the place is amazing. I still need a couch, a mattress and bed frame. But other wise the place is done. I roll around the room and the boys laugh at how excited I am.

"My own little back yard house." I smile at them.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now