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"So, where do we start?" Jonah questions.

"Well, there are a lot of differ places we could start." Kristin says.

"We could start with food." Jack says picking up the menu. Jonah and I both give him a look as I hit his arm gently. Jack pretends that it hurt and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't miss much in 17 years." I tell the table. We all laugh.

"Alyssa, what do you want to know?" Timothy asks me.

"How the hell did you two meet before the band?" Jonah asks for me.

We spend the next 3 hours hearing both sides of the story. It's interesting, to say the least. We all make amends and plan to have at least a monthly dinner together as a family.

We all leave and go home. It's 4pm and I'm really tired and in pain. I missed my afternoon pain pill and am severely paying for it. I go straight to my mini house and change into a pajama shirt.

I head to my bed and get ready to get in. I put my arms on the bed pull myself up half way. I reach for something, anything but miss. I fall and wheel chair rolls away. My leg hits the floor with a loud thud and I cry out in pain. Tears stream down my face and I look for my phone. My phone is on the wheel chair and I curse aloud. The boys offered to have someone in the house with me every night, but I told them no. Which at this moment in Time was regretting.

I hold my leg through the cast attempting to apply pressure to stop the pain, but it doesn't help. My vision is clouded as the tears continue to roll down my face. The pain is so bad that I just want to cut it off. Having almost no legs would be better than this pain.

"HELP!" I scream, hoping and praying someone with hear me. I keep screaming for about ten minutes, and now my voice was strained. I knew I wouldn't have a voice left for tomorrow. They must have the tv on loud or something.

With no other option and I start to army crawl to my wheel chair. Every time I pull my leg up, I cry out in pain. After a long painful trip to the wheel chair I find my phone. I pull it out and text the person at the top.

'Help. I fell. I'm in the mini house.' Is all I type. I put the phone down and lay down my leg thriving in pain. About a minute or two later I hear the door open and feel someone at my side.

"Shit, Alyssa. Are you okay?" I hear the voice say. I look at them and see it's Daniel.

"No. My leg hurts like hell. I fell. So do I look friken okay to you?" I tell him.

"No, that was stupid. Sorry. How can I help?" He asks not knowing what to do.

"Get me off the damned floor and some pain medication please." I tell him. He nods and picks me up. He puts me on my bed and goes over to my little kitchen to get my medicine and some water. He comes back and I take it.

"What else can I do?" He asks.

"Not much. This happened to me when I 15. I broke my damn arm and there wasn't much we could do. Just wait." I say still in a crap tone of pain.

"What did you do while you waited?" He questions me.

"Watched a movie and cuddled." I say trying not to punch him on the face. He wasn't doing anything wrong, I was just in so much pain.

"On it." He tells me. I give him a questioning look and he turns away. He turns the tv on and turns on a new movie I haven't seen yet. He gets in bed behind me and holds me. I blush and realize I had practically told him to do this.


After the movie my leg hurts a lot less and I'm about ready to pass out. I turn my face to see Daniel asleep.

"Night Danny." I whisper and fall asleep too.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now