Well Shit....

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I wake up in a grey room. I see two people, one on each side. I look to my left and see a man in uniform. I look to right and see a man with curly hair. Jack. I take his hand.

"What happened?" I say.

"Thank God." He says relived. I look over at the guy on my left, knowing I wouldn't get any answers out of Jack.

"You were hit by a car." He tells me. The room goes up and down. "We're on our way to the hospital." I nod and look back over at Jack.

"You scared the shit out of me." He says.

"I tend to do that a lot." I say. He chuckles.

"Why did you run?" He asks me getting serious again.

"I don't know. I guess it was my flight or fight response. And flight was my response." I say trying to move, but feel a shooting pain up my leg. "Shit."

"Don't move. You'll risk injuring your legs more." The man says. I give him a questioning look.

"What?" I question sitting up to look at my legs. "Holy balls."

"Can you not feel that?" The paramedic asks.

"Not until I tried to move. But how does that happen?" I say gesturing to my messed up leg. From the knee down my legs was back ward and cut up, pretty bad.

"I'm not sure. But it just does." The paramedic tells me checking my vitals.

We pull up to the hospital and they take me out. Some doctors come out in gowns and look at each other concerned. I laugh a little.

"I have a prosthetic. One of them is." I tell them as they wheel me into a room.


After an hour I'm told they have to take me into surgery to fix my leg. Jack and Jonah come in before they take me away.

"Hey." Jonah says sitting on the bed.

"Hi friend." I tell him.

"In a week of staying with us, you didn't think to tell us that you were missing a leg?" Jack laughs.

"It wasn't really the first thing to come to mind." I laugh. The boys laugh too and the nurse comes in to take me.

"I'll see you boys later. Bye brothers!" I call out to them as they push me through the door way. The boys laugh and I am taken into surgery.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now