Waking Up

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When I wake up from surgery I am in extreme pain. I try to shift around to get comfy but that only makes the pain worse.

"Alyssa?" I hear Jonah say walking in.

"Hey Jo-jo." I say smiling through the pain still trying to get comfy.

"Are you okay?" He asks rushing over and putting the coffee in his hands down on a table next to me.

"Yeah, just dandy." I say making one wrong move. I cry out in pain and Jonah looks at me concerned.

"You don't sound fine and dandy. Let me go get a nurse." He says running out the door. He comes back with a nurse. She gets a needle and injects it to my IV. She leaves as Jack walks in.

"How ya feeling Allie?" He asks walking into the room.

"Like my leg hurts...a lot." I chuckle. The boys do too.

"Can we talk about the elephant in the room?" Jonah says. I nod and Jack does too. "So your mother is Jack's mom and your father is my dad?"

"That's what I've been told." Jack says.

"That's actually insane. Does my dad know?" Jonah asks. Jack and I look at each other not knowing he answer.

"I'll call my mom and find out." Jack says pulling his phone out and heading to the door.

"How crazy is it that we met before we knew we were related." Jonah says.

"Very." I laugh, then cringe at the pain following.

"Sorry." He apologizes.

"You didn't get hit by a car."

"But I still feel bad." He says.


Two weeks later they are letting me go from the hospital. I pretty much can't walk because I use my normal leg to keep my balance. I am still in a full leg cast and not wearing my prosthetic. So I am bound to a wheel chair.

Jonah is pushing me through the hospital doors and as soon as I met with the bright sun of LA, I am also met with the flashing of cameras. I shield my face and we get to the car. I had a blanket over my legs, so nobody knew about my leg.

Jonah buckles me into my seat and helps prop my casted leg up on the seats. Jack is sitting on the end because my casted leg was in the middle. Jonah got in the car and started it as Jack held my leg to keep it from rolling around the car as we drove. We start to pull out of the spot as Zach runs out of the hospital. I give Jonah a confused look and he just starts to laugh. Zach gets in the truck glaring at Jonah.

"That wasn't funny." Zach pouts as he buckled up in the passenger seat.

"What?" I question.

"He locked me in a freaking closet! A nurse broke me out!" Zach half yells. Jonah starts laugh and soon Jack and I laugh too. After a moment of glaring at all of us, Zach joins in on laughing.

Soon enough we are on the High way and headed back home. I take a nap in the car and listen as the boys joke around and listen to music.

I wake up on the couch warped up in a pink fuzzy and warm blanket. I sit up and look around. Jonah is in the kitchen reading a book and making coffee.

"What time is it?" I question. He jumps, obviously not prepared to have heard another person.

"Oh, Allie. You scared me." He chuckles looking to see me. "It's 4 am."

"Damn that's early." I comment pushing the blanket off me.

"I mean you fell asleep in the car around noon-ish. We would have put you in bed, but we didn't want to risk dropping you." Jonah says grabbing his coffee and heading to me. I laugh as he sits down on a chair half facing me, half facing the TV. "I meant to ask, do you want some coffee?" He says ready to stand right back up.

"I don't like coffee, do you chocolate milk?" I question. He stands up with a grin on his face.

"One chocolate milk it is then." He heads to the kitchen. I laugh and check my phone, which was in the pocket in my hoodie. I see 21 missed calls from my friends.

"Shit." I mumble to myself.

'Tiff, Grace. I'm safe and okay. I found some stuff out and stupidly ran out of the house and was hit my a car. My leg is in a cast and I'm going to need a new prothetic. I will call you girls later, but right now my head hurts and I'm still trying to get things together. I'm sorry I've been MIA. Love you girls. Thanks for always sticking by my side. XoXo, Allieee.' Is the text I sent to the girls on our group chat called 'tHiC bItChEs'.

Jonah sets my chocolate milk on the coffee table in front of me as I send the texts.

"So, the guys and I were going to do this together. But it's early and you look really stressed. In the two weeks you've been in the hospital, we had someone make you a little house in the back. Nothing big, not too small, just the right size. There is only two rooms. A bedroom and bathroom and then the living space and what not." Jonah tells me. My face grows a smile with every word. "If you want it, it's yours."

"Are you asking me to move into your back yard?" I question him with my ever growing grin.

"Yeah." He smiles.

"Yes! Hell yes!" I whisper yell. Jonah smiles at me and comes over to give me a hug.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now