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I woke up in my shared bed with Daniel in our back yard house. He has his arm slipped around my waist. I move out from underneath him and head to the bathroom. I left my prosthetic on last night because I was too tired to take it off, it's really loose right now, but I'll fix it later. I brush my teeth and hair. I do some heavyyy makeup and head back out. I see Daniel scrolling through his phone. I lean against the door way.

"Hey handsome." I smile at him. He looks up at me with a huge grin on his face.

"There's the worlds most beautiful girl!" He says putting his phone down.

"I wouldn't say that." I roll my eyes.

"But I'm right." He says standing up walking to me, I walk to him, meeting half way.

"Eh." I shrug my shoulders. He chuckles and kisses me. He wraps his arms around my waist and I feel safe.

"Ready for the show today?" He asks pulling out of the kiss.

"Yeah, that's why I have a ton of makeup on." I remark. "I'm gonna get dressed now." I say turning away.

"Need help with that?" He questions. My head snaps back and I smack his arm.

"Daniel Seavey!"

"It's a joke! Chill!" He laughs. I smile at him and open my closet. I put on a white blouse with a blue floral pattern, some high waisted skinny blue jeans and some black heels.

"You guys ready?" I hear Corbyn yell into our mini house as he opens the door.

"Yeah, one second." I reply fixing a strand of hair. I grab my phone and follow Corbyn with Daniel right behind us.

We walk though the main house, out the front door and into the mini van. Jonah is driving with Jack in the passenger seat. Zach behind Jack, Corbyn behind Jonah, and me and Daniel in the back.

I am opening for the boys tonight and I'm really excited. I've been practicing for months. I forgot to tighten my prosthetic, but I'll do that when we get there.

When we arrive we all race inside, Jonah winning as always. I blame his long ass legs. We get to the room and warm up. Next we do mix checks and house opens in ten, with the actual show starting in 30.

*start of concert*

I'm walking on stage and I heard the screams of fans. I smile knowing that the younger version of myself would be happy to see so many people here to listen to music and be happy.

I sing some covers of songs and I sing a few of my own. Once I'm done the boys come on and perform.

*end of concert*

We have two more songs and then the concert is over. These last two aren't choreographed or anything, just us being us.

I'm running on stage for the 2nd to last song when I trip over a giant chord and land face first on the ground. I hear several gasps and Daniel call out my name. I sense them around me, I don't dare to move.

"Alyssa, shit. Are you okay?" I hear Jonah ask me touching my back lightly.

"That looked really bad." Corbyn adds. I try to push myself up and I roll over, one of my legs still being 100% turned around the other way. My prosthetic, I didn't fix it, so now it looks like I have a really bad broken leg.

I hear people mumbling and the boys talking, but all I can hear is my head ringing at this point. They don't see my leg and try to help stand me up. My prosthetic falls on to the floor with the loud thunk and the audience and everyone else are dead silent. Daniel scoops me up in his arms and takes me back stage. Jack running behind him with my prosthetic. I can hear Jonah talking into the micro phone, but I don't know what he's saying. The room gets darker and darker until I can't see or hear anything else.

The last thought that rushes to my head is:

"Shit, now everyone knows"

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now