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We get off the plane and Zach takes my ukelele, after I threaten him saying "if you break my child, I will break you." He seemed a little scared, but that's fine. We got off the plane and met my mom at baggage claim.

"How?" My mom starts as she sees Jack.

"I wanted to surprise her and have a chance to become acquainted." Jack says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"More like best friends, I've been replaced." Zach says. We all laugh and get in the Uber.

"So, how did you get on the plane?" My mom asks from the passenger seat. Jack is sitting on my right and Zach is on my left, holding my ukulele carefully yet tightly.

"Well, I knew what flight you guys were on, cause of what we had arranged originally before. But I got in last night, stayed at a hotel and came back here for the flight home. I wanted to get to know my cousin." Jack says pulling his phone out and opening it. We look at the pictures.

"That one is my favorite." I say pointing to the one where we're making silly faces.

"Mine too!" Zach says with a big old grin on his face. Jack pulls up Instagram and posts the picture, with no caption. I give him a questioning look.

"People will guess." He smiles and shrugs. I roll my eyes with a grin on my face.


We had dropped my mom off at a hotel and Jack took me to meet the boys. We pull up to the house and we get out. I take a deep breath as we enter the house. I hear yelling and screaming and Zach runs to the sound. Jack laughs and takes my bags in.

We walk into the living room. Jack drops my bag and yells, "HONEY I'M HOME!"

I laugh as I hear a a stampede of grown men run down the stairs. Jack laughs at the chaos and I nervously rub my hands together.

"Jack!" Corbyn says running Jack and giving him a hug. The others join in the hug surrounding him.

"I was gone for one day!" Jack laughs at how ridiculous they are being.

"A day too long!" Zach says.

"You went with me!" Jack says giving him a weird look.

"But it was like I wasn't there! I slept on the plane both times and slept in the hotel." Zach replies looking rejected.

"Who's fault is that?" Jack questions him.

"Good point." Zach nods. The boys pull away and chat for a bit as I stand here very awkwardly. I pull my phone out as I hear someone call my name.


I look up.

"Oh my." I whisper as I look up and recognize who it is.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now