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I'm still in a cast and still have yet to get my new prosthetic. Today Jonah's dad, Jonah, Jack's mom, Jack and I were all going out to lunch. I was extremely nervous. It's been three days and my couch, mattress and bed frame came and I was staying in my mini house now. I was picking it What to wear when Daniel walked into the room.

"Hello Daniel." I say over my shoulder.

"Hello Alyssa." He says formally.

"To what do I owe this surprise?" I question him, my back still turned against him.

"I just wanted to see how your feeling, ya know. About meeting your dad."

"Scared, to say the least." I tell him honestly and turning to him. "And I can't pick out what to wear."

"Wow, you must really be stressed." He says sarcastically.

"Jerk." I say rolling over to him. "Please help me."

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." He groans and walks over to my closet. After a few moments he picks out a cute pink dress. "This one."

I nod and go to the bathroom. I take my top off and put the dress on. I change my underwear. When we went out in public I wore short shorts and awkwardly shuffled them on the same way I do to change my under wear. I roll out and Daniel claps. I roll my eyes at him.

"Do you need help straightening out your dress?" He questions pointing to my ruffled up dress and I nod. "Hold on to me and lift yourself up a bit, I'll help and straiten your dress."

"Okay." I say. He leans over me and I grab on to his shoulders. I pull myself up as much as I can with out using my casted leg and Daniel standing up a bit giving him more room to fix the dress. He fixes the dress and as He lowers me down his hands go over my butt right before I sit down, straightening the dress out more. (Like how girls sit down wearing dresses or skirts, ya know?)

"You need to get out of that habit." I tell him letting go.

"Oh? What habit?" He questions standing back up with a huge grin on his face.

"The One were you touch my ass." I glare at him trying not to smile. He chuckles and goes behind me to push me into the house.

"I have no idea what your talking about." He says pushing me through the door.

"Sure." I reply with a groan making him laugh.


The boys loaded me in the car and we were off. Jack and I talked the whole way there, making up for lost time. When we finally got to the restaurant, I used my upper body strength to help lower me into the chair as Jack held the wheel chair with one hand and held my casted leg in the other. Once I'm in, both Jack and I, breath a sigh of relief knowing that we got here safely. Jack rolls me in and we are seated. Jonah went to go pick up his dad and Jacks mom. I was really glad we got here before them.

We order everyone water and continue to wait. After about ten minutes, they walk to our table and I see him. My dad. He gives me a hug, best he can due to the wheel chair. Jack sits on my right and Jonah sits on my left. There parents sitting next to their respected child. The round table was now full and the conversation began.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now