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The following day I wake up on my bed to find Tiffany crashed on my couch and Grace on an air mattress. I go to the kitchen to make breakfast when I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I gasp then hear his chuckle. I turn around to see Daniel.

"You scared me!" I tell him.

"You were scared? I was worried when I found two strangers in your house!" He tells me laughing.

"You knew they were coming." I roll my eyes, the grin on my mouth growing. He leans down to kiss me. "I have brushed my teeth yet." I whisper.

"I don't really care." He tells me before stealing a kiss. I hear someone clear their through. We turn around to find Tiffany and Grace both wide awake and staring at us. We pull away and stand side by side.

"Get a room." Tiffany laughs at us. Grace rolls her eyes at Tiffany's immaturity and gets of the air mattress.

"This is my room, dumbass." I roll my eyes and go back to cooking. We all laugh and Daniel looks at us confused. "This is how talk to each other."

He shrugs and sits on my bed. Tiffany gives him a death glare the whole time. Daniel looks to Grace for help and she shrugs pulling her phone out to scroll through pintrest.

"So, where the hell did you come from?" Tiffany asks him.

"Tiffany," I groan. "Don't attack the poor man. He just woke up."

"I actually was up like two hours ago. Me and Jonah went on a jog this morning." He corrects me.

"It's your funeral." Grace tells him her eyes glued to her phone. Tiffany's face fills with a mischievous grin.

"What flowers do you want at the funeral?" I ask him adding onto Graces comment.

"Like I said, where the hell did you come from?" Tiffany questions him jumping into my bed.

"I fell out of the sky." Daniel says with a completely straight face. Tiffany looks at him like some kind of alien while me and Grace start to laugh really hard. Daniel can't keep a straight face and starts laughing with us.

"I'm being serious!" Tiffany exclaims in frustration.

"Me too!" Daniel says standing up and walking backwards to me. Once he is close to me her turns to me. "What can I do to help babe?"

"Bacon." I tell him.

"On it captain." He replies saluting me. I grin and roll my eyes.


We are in the main house chilling and watching Grey's Anatomy for about the 800th time. The boys were out getting some groceries.

"Is this all we're doing today?" Tiffany groans.

"Yes." I tell her at the next episode loads.

"I'm bored." She says switching places on her part of the couch.

"I'm fine with this." Grace shrugs.

"Bitch." She mumbles.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you. What was that?" Grace says completely sarcastically.

"Bitch." She says louder.

"Says the girl who-" I start.

"Don't you freaking dare." She warns me.

"who started this." I say.

"I hate you." She groans.

"Love you too, asshat." I rely with a grin.

"But like seriously, is this all we are gonna do? It's your birthday! We should go bowling! Or go for diner!" Tiffany tells us standing in front of the tv. Her jaw drops as we here what sounds like bags being dropped. It was Zach.

"Loud mouth bitch." I grumble jumping over the couch headed to Zach. "Hey Zachy, can you do me a favor?" I plead with him getting closer.

"JACK!" Zach yells as he runs out of the room to the car.

"Shit. ZACH!" I call after him. I turn to the girls. "Go! Into the mini house!" Say rushing to the back door. They follow me and we lock the front door.

"Sorry." Tiffany apologizes.

"It's fine. They were going to find out anyway." I say plopping down on the couch. Seconds later I see three very confused and pissed off men standing at one of my windows. They are all talking at once and pounding on the window. I get up and close the curtain. They move to the next one and the next one as we continue this pattern. They get to my glass door and try the handle.

"Don't you have a key?" Jonah says to Jack.

"Oh yeah!" He says running back into the house. I groan and unlock the door saving him time. They all walk in still all talking over one another. Tiffany and Grace just stand there awkwardly and trying not to laugh.

"ONE AT A TIME!" I yell at them getting there attention.

"It's your birthday?" Jonah says taking a step forward.

"18, that's big! We need to celebrate!" Jack says coping Jonah.

"As boyfriend of the year, I second that statement!" Daniel says. I look back at my friend who also third and fourth that statement. I glare them down. I am severely out numbered and they are going to plan something if I tell them no.

"Fine." I tell them, they all cheer. "But! No gifts."

"But-" jack says.

"No buts. If you want to do something, no gifts." I stop him. They all nod and run into the house excitedly, including the girls.

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now