Birthday Bowling

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We all load into the car.

"Where to?" I ask starting the car.

"Bowling alley!!" Zach screams. I roll my eyes and pull out of the drive way. We listen to music the whole way there and jam out. When we arrive we all get out to find the paparazzi already there.

"Well shit." Jack groans.

"How did they know?" Jonah asks.

"How do they know anything?" Zach says.

"I may have tweeted about it." Tiffany speaks up. We all laugh and head inside.

Once we get our shoes and pay we put our names on the board. Jonah puts our names in the following order:

Everyone has there shoes on but I'm struggling with the shoe on my prosthetic. Grace and Tiffany had run off to the bathroom, Jack and Zach ran off to the arcade games while Jonah and Corbyn went to go pick out some bowling balls. Daniel walks over to me and kneels.

"Need some help?" He says smiling at me.

"Yeah." I blush. He takes off my shoe with ease and replaces it with the proper bowling shoe. "I feel stupid." I groan as he helps me stand up.

"Don't." He smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"GET A ROOM!" I hear all of our friends yell. We all laugh.

We get to bowling and have an amazing night

By Blood (Daniel Seavey and Jack Avery and Jonah Marais)Where stories live. Discover now