🥀 chapter four 🥀

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- i did my make up and was ready to go and meet Elsa -


I walk out of house and sit in Sara's car . I arrived at adress she gave me. When I left the car in front of me was big white - blue house with a lot flowers around.
It was beautiful .

I walked in and knock on the door. Some moments later beautiful woman opeened the door. She was similar to me
long brown hair , brown eyes.
She was perfect. Her shine eyes and adorable smile.

" you must be Y/N " she said. " yeah i am " i replied. " come in" she said and I followed her.
House was so fancy and beautiful
house from my dreams. It has everything I wanted. " so y/n tell me about you more " she asked

" well i'm 22 and I live here in apartment. You must heard that big company of city is closing i was working there" i said.

" oh that big comany my hu- "
" heloo girls " we heared a voice of older woman. " this must be mrs.
Wilson " i said. " yeah there she go' Elsa said. " hello Y/N? I'm Mrs.Wilson i'm glad to meet you".
she said and we shake hands. " glad to meet you too" i said and smiled.

" sorry mrs.Elsa if I cutted you off you were to say something" Mrs.Wilson said. " oh nothing important , come with me y/n"
she said and i followed her.

Everything in this house seem to be so familiar to me. It was like i saw this all before. ' here is your room " she said. I entered a beautiful room with stunning view. " do you like it?" She asked.
" yeah it's beautiful " i said.
" so you are starting tomorrow because i'm leaving tonight my husband is waiting for me." She said. " oh okay then i will come in morning " i said and smiled.

" good , come and meet my lil baby" she said. I again followed her to little blue room. A little baby boy were sitting on bed.

" this is leo " she said. " oh nice name " i said. " ok i'm gonna leave you too meet i'm going to start packing ' she said and left the room.

I remembered when Marcus and I were talking about our future kids names.

" Marcuuss , baabyyyyyy" i said
" what ?" He said and kissed my forehead. " i want to have little family with you .

You will give ne to son and I will give to daughter"
I said . " haha babe i want to have a family with you too you're my precuious beautiful girl" he said.
" soo...for the son it will be Leo..
Leo Gunnarsen do you like it?"
He asked.

" yess it sounds great and for daughter then hmm...Leyla...Leyla Gunnarsen?"
What do u think ?" I asked.
' perfect...Leo and Leyla Gunnarsen"

( end of flasback)

I went close to this little cute human. I kneeled down and he looked me in eyes. His eyes were so shine and beautiful ..just like marcus's...ok ok ok stop y/n..
This kid is maybe so similar with your ex but don't talk about him.

" what is freaking happening with you Y/N . Why those memories are back after two years . What the hell is going on. "

I hugged this small boy and said.
" hello i'm y/n and you are leo nice to meet you . I'm gonna care about you till your mum and dad are back. We are going to have a lot of fun " i said and smiled.

When i made a smile leo made it too. It looked so cute. Suddnely someone said" you don't have kids or boyfriend y/n" i turned around and it was Elsa. " emm..am..no i don't have i lost my babies in car accident and yeah i'm single" i said

' oouf...i'm so sorry for you " she said. " its okay..." i said and smiled

We left the room and we were in front of house. " so see ya tomorrow?" She said " yeah ofc"
I said and waved to her.

I went in car and home. I was so tired. Its like something is happening and i don't know what.

Familiar house ? Leo? His eyes?
His smile? Nose? Cheecks? Everything started to reminds me of Marcus...but noo i can't i have to foucus on my career and job.

New part here lolol a lot drama coming in next parts😉❣
Who is Elsa's husband? And why Leo look so similar to Marcus?
What will y/n find out?"
To found out continue to read😊

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