🥀chapter eleven🥀

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[ before everything guys i'm really really sorry for not writing so much here. I will try to write my best here before school starts ].


It was the day. I woke up happy.
My old job? You must be kidding.
I adore my job and I can't wait to sit at my chair in my office again.
I got ready. It was a black dress and light make up. I arrived in front of a big big company. It changed colour. It was grey but before was dark blue. When I was to look how it's named now Sara yelled and I turned around. I just saw Gu..." hm.."Y/N you will be late on your first day go girl" she said. " yeah you're right i'm running see ya byee" i said and went in.

As I went inside it was all old. It didn't changed that much. I remember I was creating and styling this with my old boss. It was pretty fun. Did I actually toldn you what this company do?
Oh ...well we are make up & style ( clothes) company. Woman adore our make up products. Well either do I. I just have all proudcts I made by myself and I put them on everyday.

Thanks my momma for giving me talent for something. Oh...now when i mentioned my mother. I miss her so much by my side. But i'm staying strong still. I went in my office and it changed a bit. It was coloured in pastel pink on one side and white. My desk was black and my chair was purple.
Oh those are my favourite colours! Nice ! . Look like this is completely new start here.

I sat down and checked all my old ideas for clothes and make up products. I remember that my old boss wanted to test some producst on animals , but I didn'tet that happened. We need to respect those small and cute God's creatures.

As I sat down in my office bumped Cynthia. " Hello Mrs.Andersen . How you like your new office ? Is there anything you need? " she asked kind. " hello Cynthia and you call me Y/N ok?"
She nodded. " no I have everything I need , If i need something I would call you ok?"
" yes Mrs.A...I mean Y/N" she smiled. I smiled too. " enjoy your job " she whispered. " thanks".
She is so sweet from beggining.

I draw some new t-shirts and dresses I had in my head. One dress was my favourite. The baby blue colour. Dress was beautiful for womens who has curves and big boobs. It was V-neck and it had choker necklace. It was tight and then get some small lightly volans on end. I hope my new boss will like this.

Ehm when we are at it. I still don't know who is new owner aka my new boss. I want to meet him so much. I'm so so curious about that. But one day for sure I will meet him. He seems pretty cool.
This company is so much cuter now. It has amazing colours. Not just dark ones. And new people here are also so much kindest.

Well , for today I was over with my job. Tomrrow I will ask Cynthia If I could go to the boss and show him my drawings.

I was really curious and I just wanted to know how his last name is. I wear my coat and grabb my bag. I lock my office and went up stairs there for sure have to be his office. While I was walking I saw tittle [ boss's office]

Yes , yes and yes here you go!.
I was so close to saw the last name "....Mr....G...." hey y/n what are you doing here?" Cynthia tapped my shoulder. " am um..ammm I i nothing I was passing next to here so yeah..." i said. " you seem to be really nervous , oh that's for sure because it's again your first day oh my poor girl. Don't be nervous you're doing amazing" she chuckled. " oh yeah thank you Cynthia , I gotta goo!!!" I said.

I runned down stairs. Of shit.
I was so close. Off you stupid , aaaghhhhh!. Ok calm down y/n you will see who is it and meet him. I took a taksi and went home.

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