🥀chapter nine🥀

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The most terrible morning in my life. I woke up in same house as Marcus. I'm still in shock. I can't beileve he is like alive and here.

He has a wife and kid. Nice...
I will call Elsa and get out of here.
I stand up slowly walking to night table and took my phone.

" Hello y/n" she answered on call. " hello mrs.Elsa ehm...i have bad news...hmm..i am...i am..." i tryna found a reason. " you are?" She asked. " i'm moving and i can't do this job anymore sorry" i said.
" oh it's okay , so i will pay on your bank account and yeah i'm home tonight so yeah and thank you really " she said. " you're welcome" i said and she cancelled.

I took leggins and long shirt to wear it. I started to pack my stuffs. You guys have to understand me. I can't live in the same house with him. I can't be hurt again.

Marcus's and Mrs.Wilson pov
" good morning Marcus' mrs. Wilson said to me. " morning" i said sadly. After two years of wondering and searching for y/n she is here. She is right there in this room and i felt her touch and smell yesterday. I'm hurt.

You all know what happened between us. { you had to read season 1 first } . I didn't know to save her but i still love her. She is my first love ever. My first everything. Yes i'm married with Elsa. But that's just she needed husband and i needed money. She probabbly has someone . I sat on chair and start to drunk a milk.

" what's wrong Marcus?" Mrs.Wilson asked. She is like my mum ,always by my side. I can tell her everything. " y/n..is...the girl.." was everything i could said. She was shocked. She covered her mounth with hand. Her eyes were wide opeen.

" oh Marcus you two will be together again i know that " she said and rubbed my back. 'No mrs.Wilson..no...we will not..."
I said. " you will see " she said.

After we talk little more and we hear footsteps.

Y/N's pov

So yeah..I'm done with packing my stuffs. I couldn't find my favourite shirt...the one...Marcus bought to me...I save it and i love to wear it. Leo is probbably awake and im gonna visit him and try to find a shirt there before i leave.
I went downstairs and right in Leo's room. I saw him on bed playing with toys and i kneeled down to him.

Marcus' pov

As i heared footsteps i went to living room and saw Y/N going to Leo's room. She already entered and kneeled down to him. I stand on doors. I smiled when i saw them. ' hey you little boy" she said.
He smiled. " you are playing huh?..like your dad with me?" She said. It hurted my heart. I was so stupid. " okay so i am here to tell you i love you little boy because now i'm leaving this house" she said and hugged Leo.

" leaving?" Where?" I mumbled to myself.

" m...momm..mommy" leo said.
He called her mommy. He said his first word. She laughed " i'm not your mom honey but i will be always here to protect you little boy okay? I will never leave you. You know once i left my babies die and i will not do it again" she said.
" i was really hurt. Stupid me. A few tears left my eyes" ......

" okay now goodbye little boy' she said and i fast runed to kitchen back to mrs.Wilson. I couldn't beileve...what have i done..oh..

Back to y/n's pov

" mr.Davson please put this cases in car" i said. " of course mrs.y/n"
He said. " mrs.wilson could you come?" I asked. And she walked to me. " y/n? Where are you going?
She asked. " you probably know everything so..i'm leaving" i said.

" ohh my girl...okay then have good daily life ok?" Take care of yourself?" She said. " i will" as i said it i saw Marcus walking towards us. I took my bag and turend around.

I went to door and take a deep breath but someone grabb my hand and turned me around. It was Marcus...we were in akward position and we stared in each other eyees. In our eyes was pain. Just pain. He could see that in mine , and I could see in his.

His was tearing up it hurted me.
He probabbly was showing that he don't want me to go away.

But i let my hand of his and turned around and leaved the house. I went in car. All in tears i watched him trough window. My marcus...eh...our storry is done..

No matter how much i forgive him how much i love him. People never change. I can't be hurt again. I'm afraid of it....

Part 9 here❣😁 hope you like it!!
Soo what do u think..? Will they end up together again?
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