🥀chapter eight🥀

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I played with Leo on bed. I was eating with him and i got my clothes dirty. I stand up and change in black jeans and red crop top. I alredy have make up on so that's all right.

I sat down again and continue feed him. Suddenly we heared knocking. " come in" i said.
It was mrs.Wilson. " hey y/n Elsa's husband is home , he want to meet you for some minutes but first play with his son so yeah" she said.

" oh okay but why you always calling him Elsa's husband when you know its fake " i said. " oh his name is " she started but i cutted
her off. " you know what i dont care call him whatever you want " i said and take Leo. I give him to her.

" sorry it was rude from me" i said. " don't worry it's okay" she said. " okay i will leave some cakes and juice in kitchen and you will give it to him and meet him" she said. " oh okay for how many mintues?" I asked. " i will call you"
She said and left the room.

When she told me this morning that he looks hot i was wondering how he would look like then.
While i was in my imagination mrs.Wilson called me and I went downtairs in kitchen. I took juices and cakes and start walking to middle room to chouch.

I was coming so close and i heared Leo's laugh. I come in and mrs.Elsa husband's back was faceing me. He wore white shirt and some cozy grey pants. " hello mr." I started speaking and then he turned around. I freeze.

I fucking freeze. Stood here so frozen. I couldn't beileve. Those eyes , hair , nose , smile. Am I dreaming this? I let the juciees and cakes down and it falls and break.

It was my Marcus. We watched. each othet for some minutes. He was pretty shocked too. Mrs.Wilson come in and saw that i broke all she made. " y/n" she yelled. " i'm so sorr" i couldn't speak he was watching me still.

I just run fast upstairs and lock in my room. I started to cry so hard.
He is....he ..he is right down there with his son. His wife is Elsa..
He has wife.. He got over me...
He forgot me...i was saying and crying. I fast called sara. I try to wipe my tears but they were falling everysecond so much more

" hey y/n" she answered. I was crying still. " hey why are you crying?" She asked worried. S..s.. s..sara..marcus...marcus..is...is elsa's husband..ma..marcus " i said trough tears. " omg y/n okay calm down tomorrow morning im gonna get you out of there ok?
She said. " okay bae bye" i said.

I wiped my tears. I need to calm down and forgot about this. I will leave this job and find another one. I will call Elsa tomorrow morning. I unlock the doors anf went in bathroom near my room
I let hot water fall down my body.

I was still in shock. I can't beileve.
It's really Marcus. He is alive...
I was thinking about all and almost fall alseep in shower.
I get out of shower and wiped my body. Oh nice i forgot my clothes but i was thirsty. I hope he fall asleep. Its really late. I warp a towel around me and went downstairs.

I slowly walked and saw him sleeping with Leo on his chest.
I...it was...so..cute...Leo supposed to be our son. Now everything have sense. Leo? Familiar house?

I walked in kitchen and drink some water when i feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was him. His touch..after those years...i feeled it again. " hi..umm..i'm thirsty too could you" he was sepaking i just run fast in my room. His eyes. When he touched me...i was crying again.

How much he hurted me..he is still hurting...I wear pyamma and cryed till i fell asleep....

Another one😭❤. I feel Y/N..
She is so unlucky but happy that Marcus is alive..hope y'all like this shit.

What do u think will happen next ? What will happen between y/n and marcus?

To found out read next chapter and leave a star❤❣

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