🥀chapter six🥀

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I'm already up. It's seven am in moring and right now i'm in bahtroom. I will take hot bath. I need to rest and relax a bit,I didn't sleept whole night. Leo was really nervous. Outside it's raining and very bad weather.

It's like something bad is going to happen , I have that feeling. I take off my pyamma and slowly walked in. I lay and play some music. Leo didn't eated , he didn't wanted. I will call mrs.Elsa later

I hope he will be all right. I think he just already miss his mum. He just have six months and mrs.Elsa is leaving him alone. That's pretty weird . Isn't it?

Today I planned to go in walk with Leo and maybe shopp neew cute clothes for him. He is like my son I never had. It's been just two weeks since mrs. Elsa left and I'm already so into this kid. I adore him.

I saw it passed already hour. Leo will wake up soon. I fastly walked out of bath and wiped myself.

I wore some cozy clothes and puty hair in bun. I was to walk to his room then i heared him crying.

" ooy my little boy is awake " i talked with myself. I took him in my arms and he stopped crying.
He smiled and rest his little cute face on my shoulder.

I went in kitchen and made some warm milk for little baby. I sat on chair and feed him. He smiled all the time. I smiled too. Everytime i look deep in his arms i'm feeling like watching Marcus's eyes. I let a tear down.

{ skip morning }

It's already afternoon and i decided to go walk with Leo. I wore grey ripped jeans and black
shirt. I let my hair fall down my shoulderss. I did my make up very good. First time proud of it.

I lock the doors and we walked.
I told it to mr.Davson . We went in park. There were so many kids too of course with their lovely mums.

Sometimes it hurt me to see this around me. I remember that my babies are with angels already.
We sat on bench next to beautiful river in park. It was awesome.
I gave him some milk and we walked away.

We went in shopp. " good evening do you need help" the woman who works there asked. " oh i will just see this clothes and try some thank you " i said and smiled.
' you must very good woman and mum " she said. I become red.
" i'm not his mum i'm baby sitter
But thank you . You seem kind too' i said. " ooff sorry enjoy your day" she said and i went to changing cabine with Leo to try some clothes.

I wish...I wish today I could be mum of my twin kids. With my lovely husband Marcus. But he didn't save us. He killed our babies. I hate him. I wish he is dead. Maybe he is. I don't know where he is or how is he. But in other hand i still love him little bit. There's still something..

Let's back to clothes. They are cute
I buy some of them for Leo. Blue shirts , pants and some little sneakers. He would look so cool.

We walked and went back home.
It was already dark out side and it was time for Leo's shower and bed time. " oy oy oy ' i said as i enter this big house. I put bags down and put Leo on chouch.

After some minutes i took him and we went in bathroom. I take off his clothes and sat him down.

I put some shampoo and he laughed. I laughed too. He is cute
I washed it with warm water and warp him in tovel. We went to my room and i change him in pyamma. When he smiled i saw something small and white.

I looked better and it was teeth.
Omg little boy is growing. His teeth are growing. That's why he was nervous and crying. Oh poor boy this must hurt.

I lay down and watch him play with teddy bear and his little colection of cars. Suddenly he went to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and he rest on my chest. That's how we feel asleep.

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