🥀chapter fourteen🥀

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Morning after.

After that night things never will be the same. The night when Leo pointed at me and Marcus lied.

I couldn't stop thik about that for whole night. I didn't sleep. Like I have black circles to my knees.

I don't really know what will happen.
This is all fucked up isn't it. I i don't know..

I've been thinking about Marcus lately and yeah I can say it , I still love him
I really do , but he hurted me and I can't go back.

Should I? What should I do? I don't know. I'm really confused about this all. I become a total mess. My house looks like the bomb went into it.

I'm in my room from yesterday just thinking. I mean...uuuuf...this is so hard but now it's time to get up and get ready for the job because nothing comes alone.

I wear some cozy , classical grey pants and white t-shirt. I didn't wanted any skirts or something , I just feel like that. Depressed and yeah...


I was to opeen the doors of my office and I found a rose and paper next to it. It was written :

Dear Y/N
I'm really sorry for everything I have done but can we just at leatst go on dinner in restaurant we used to go?
Just to talk nothing more. Please I have some queations..
Think about it ....

Well ..I don't know maybe I really should go and finally talk to him.
I have some questions too! Even ..my past with him is really hard theme for me but I can opeen it again!.

I have to opeen it , talk about it and then close it forever and turn new page of my life. And new year is really soon so that's amazing!.

I will for sure think about it and I will sent him mesagge when I came home.


《After whole day of working》

Huh..what a wednesday. It was pretty boring but yep so much job to do today. I'm done now and i'm coming back home. The paper Marcus left was in my head all day. I made a decision.

I will go with him on dinner and talk.
He will ask me and I will ask him.
It's time for me to change the page.


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