🥀chapter thirteen🥀

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Before you read new chapter
there's something I have to tell you:
Well ,
I know I wasn't active like month
I didn't posted since 31th August
The reason is now i'm in middle school and i'm traveling a lot with buses and you know all that stuffs.
Also my family and friends need me all the time. Last months we have some really big problems and those are reasons why I was inactive!
I'm really sorry for that ,
and I hope I can get some time
to write new chapters and end
season two of this story!

I can't beileve all of this is happening in my life again. I was thinkinh what should I do? I think I will stay in company. I will keep my job and continue my life. I'm ready. I can do it!
I can fight agaist him.

Anyway , now is 6 am in morning and i'm getting ready for new hard and long day in my office. I have to do some drawings about new collection and then for some days my favourite part about this all is that models are trying and showing clothes my coleguaes and I have done.

I can't wait!! I'm waay toooo much excited about that !. I have so much ideas for new hoodies , t-shirts with long sleve , new pants , new winter dresses! I simply can't wait to show people all of that on " gunnarsen premiere".

I finished my breakfast and went to company. I was to enter elevator but when it opeened , guess who was there? Marcus of course , who else!!
Funny. I didn't had choice and I entered. We stood some cms away from each other.

It was silence between us. We didn't even look at each other. It was like years are passing. This elevator never opeened. The moment I tought " wow , nice I'll stay forever here with this man bitch " elevator opeened and I walked out really fast.

Finally , I was in my office. That was beautiful place I adored. Hours passed and it was already late. I was done with my job and it was time to leave.

I was drinking a tea and eating some pancakes. Huh Victoria didn't bring this with her. Okay , I will. I put my bag and I bring empty couple of tea
I went down in center of company searching for Victoria. She is like our " cleaning woman" . She is old but gold woman. She always have advices for me.

I was waiting for her and all of sudden in center was Leo. He was running like free puppy there. It was so cute too see. And oops- he fall down. I was to went there but beside him was Marcus. Of course to bring him back on legs.

When Leo was on his small legs again he looked at me. He raised his hand with one finger showing on me. He smiled for some moments and said:
m..m..m...mummy". The couple and all I was holding fell down in thousand pieces. I was in shock , Marcus either
Tears started rolling down my cheecks... but I heared a vocie " yes mummy is coming!"

I fast wiped my tears and run away.
I hide myself beside big wall. I was still hearing what did they talk.

" oy oy who was there? " she asked.
" umm...some old woman she broke this , don't worry she will come back and clean it." Marcus replied.

" oh okay" she said. " you know before some momets you weren't here when he said his first word!" Marcus yelled.

" Oh calm down Gunnarsen that's just a word " she said. " You are off...you are disgusting. I regret every minute with you! " he said. " yeah you regret every minute with me but not with Y/N." She said.

I was so suprised after I heared all of this. Like what the fuck? I tought they love each other like you know happy marriage and childrens..? I don't know and I actually shouldn't care.
It's not my thing also so...?¿

I walked from there really quiet and weent to my car. I couldn't stoop think about Leo's situation. He pointed at me....huuh. I somehow went home without car accident.

New chapter out after looong time!
What do you think will happen next? Will Marcus get to Y/N

Let me see what do u think in comments!?
Leave a star!♥️♥️♥️

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